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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 27 August 2021

House von Heimlich: Updates

(Year 227, Windenburg) It is with great gratitude that Duke Merlin and Duchess Mandy von Windenburg announce the expecting of a baby to be born this Winter. Our daughter, Mirarda Rosewood Heimlich (4), will not be a legit heir to the dukedom, and therefore neither in front line to become Head of House as a male heir is required for both. We and our supportive community all hope for a baby boy.

Mandy (Rosewood) Heimlich, who married to Merlin Edvard Heimlich this Spring, recently had her investiture as Duchess von Windenburg. We'd like to reach out and say thank you to all supporters. Those stating that a commoner should not become the Duchess von Windenburg were not obeyed, but neither totally ignored. All opinions were listened to.

The Duchess' full civil name is now Mandy (Rosewood) Heimlich, and she shall be entitled Duchess Mandy von Windenburg.

Our sweet daughter's full civil name has been changed to Mirarda Rosewood-Heimlich, and shall be entitled Lady Mirarda von Windenburg.

It is no secret that our House, which once again includes the Windenburg dukedom, had a couple troublesome years - not the least financially, after returning to find the Von Windenburg Estate more or less vandalized by the Villareals. The trial towards the deceased Jacques Villareal, charged for attempting to murder the duke, is set to close this Winter. However, our lives go on as they were intended. With much needed assistance from the Historical Museum the renovations have finally been completed, and the 125 years old estate is for the most back to its original state. Remaining details were postponed for a future project. The estate is fully owned by the Windenburg Trust, meaning that House of Heimlich will not push through further renovation unless we are blessed with the needed male heir.

During the renovation a secret room was found in the cellar, where several old family possessions were stored, they might have been hidded by a past Duke, rightfully seeing how fragile our House was. We discovered long forgotten paintings and exclusive tableware, and more. These items will be exhibited next year at Historical Museums in several regions, before they find their permanent exposure or usage at Von Windenburg Estate.

Due to finances, House of Heimlich will have a very restricted staff for the next years. A Butler was hired, Matt Rillaveal, and a Cook might be joining our household shortly. Administrative matters can be directed to the Duke, directly.

All for Windenburg!

Duke and Duchess von Windenburg
House of Heimlich

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