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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Wyvern Hall

(Year 229) Wanna see what I did to the Wyvern Hall - the dorm at Britechester campus? I figured that because I don't really play the premade dorms, I could just as well transform one of them into a finer estate. The exterior is old, the surroundings are screaming old nobility, and I actually considered turning Wyvern Hall into a royal seat. Adding one full floor would make it spacious enough for a top notch household.

Instead, my royal estate was built in Del Sol Valley, and Wyvern Hall became their additional property, owned by Mazaloom Royal Trust and to be used by the Monarch's relatives with priority on behalf of the Prince/Princess Royal (which is the Monarch's 2nd child). Today HRH King Tarriot's younger brother, Prince Blaise, lives at Wyvern Hall with his wife and their two teen children.

Let's have a quick tour!

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Just a wink to the Roughhousing Encouraged N.A.P.

(Year 229) Politicians from all the three parties have stated that they understand how the N.A.P. "Roughhousing Encouraged" might harm local businesses. Still, none of them has this far admitted to work against this kind of behaviors. Right after Summer their political campaigns willgo public - will this growing problem be adressed?

The questioned N.A.P. is currently active in just a handful hoods around the kingdom. Spice Market in San Myshuno is one of them, and the Lykke hood at the harbor of Windenburg is another. The problem is not a fight on the street or in a dark alley at night, but when random fights take place inside business establishments.

Friday, 27 May 2022

The Rank of High Nobility Houses

(Year 229) It makes a huge difference whether your House holds a peerage, especially if it is one with its own District Order. Such an Order will make your peerage High Nobility, which will place  your house closer to the Monarch. All dukedoms have an Order, most counties and a few baronies. Head of House can only hold one high nobility Peerage, but other members of your House can hold additional high nobility peerages.

Each Order comes with a sash of a set color and the max 8 members will gather for the annual gala dinner. It's not normal to be a member of more than one Order, simply because there are many restrictions limiting your representation, and many noble persons fighting over the few memberships. If you are the sovereign you might of course be a member of your own order, plus you might be invited into the Order of another peerage. Orders helps building network, and it might help your children finding their spouses from a higher social level, too. Membership is life long (as long as you stay on the right side of the Law), but can not be passed down to your descendants - they will need to earn a membership for themselves!

His Royal Majesty King Tarriot is Head of House of Luxe-Hamper. Combined with Queen Venezia's lower
ranked heritage House of Luxe-Hamper might lose its top rank position with the next generation. 

Right here and now I'll try to rank all the registered Houses according to the traditional routine.

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Year 230 Election Coming Up!

(Year 229) Another post on my 5 years elections, because the Year 230 event is coming up in less than a sim year. And because my election routine was adjusted quite a bit, this round will be very interesting! With the "new" kingdom there is also the Constitution which includes the The People Chamber. So the elections have a much broader goal: Filling those 21 seats at The People Chamber including Prime Minister (formerly referred to as President) and Vice PM, finding 8 regional councils, finding Hood Contacts, and finally - deciding which party will set the dominating Plan in what district (=world). Because of The People Chamber representing the entire Mazaloom kingdom, I also need to know a little about the kingdom's additional 7 regions. This far I focused mostly on region 12.

The five People Chamber department Leaders as elected Year 225:
Laurent Pepperstone (seated, LEFT party, Tredony) PM and leader Law & Justice dept.,
Rob Wilder (standing left, RIGHT party, San Myshuno) Vice PM and leader Trades & Taxes dept.,
Anaya Jang (LEFT, San Myshuno) leader Culture & Entertainment dept.,
Fanny Silverbone (LEFT, Brindleton Bay) leader Health & Welfare dept.,
Rebekah Starks (MIDDLE party, Newcrest) leader Science & Education dept. 

I still mainly play Region 12, but Region 1 (Windenburg) and Region 2 (Rossi, incl. Britechester, Henford-on-Bagley and Hollow) naturally get some attention, too. Region 3 (Tredony) includes Tartosa, which I yet don't have, but many planned families already get some focus and both the Royal family and the current PM hail from Region 3. For the remaining regions (4, 6, 7, 8) I know their dukedoms and a few politicians. They won't be played in detail, but they might show up at The People Chamber or on the political and noble scene in general.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Old Salt House Scandal

(Year 229) It's not easy running a busy retail shopping mall in the city, especially not if the current Neighborhood Action Plans (N.A.P.s) are less suitable for your business and your costumers. Thankfully, His Royal Majesty King Tarriot of Mazaloom does pay attention to businesses no matter what hood they are in.

Last week he unannounced stopped by Old Salt House Shopping Mall to buy some flowers. Customers paused their shopping in awe, and more people arrived from the square near by. The Monarch signed autographs and posed for pictures, but without asking to talk with the owner.

Sunday, 15 May 2022

New Feature: Mazaloom History Book

(Year 229) With a geeky focus on my sims community ever since real life year 2014, and a more or less steady eye on the historical aspects including a growing population, a History Book was needed! So, here it is!

It's funny to look back. In the beginning I decided to focus only on Gloomville (aka Willow Creek), then politics became more important and there had to be a region - give Region 12. So, then I realized there had to be Nobility, and lastly - what is nobility without Royalty? With the State of Mazaloom came The People Chamber which finally made more sense to the existing 5 years elections, but it also requires a little bit of knowledge regarding 7 more regions...

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Caliente Perfumery: Partners Wanted

(Year 229) Nina Caliente (70) is searching new adventures! Last month she opened Caliente Perfumery at the commercial area in Oasis Springs, and now she is looking for business partners. If you want to help producing perfumes, this is good news!

- I just got started and this is so exciting! I'm all into romance and scents, so I thought why don't I run a perfumery? I was lucky to get certified to produce and sell copyrighted recipes owned by a Sim City brand named EaudeSim! Their certificate allowed me to choose 3 scents as my focus assortment, and in addition I can sell their top notch expensive perfume: the Confident scent, once I get skilled enough.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Royal Announcement

(Year 229) Yesterday a special press meeting took place at Chateau Peak. Journalists from newspapers like San Myshuno Times, Mazaloom Tribute, and The Simday News were recognized, as was a couple attendees from Plumbob Pictures. After the traditional mingling, including sweet finger food and coffee, His Royal Majesty King Tarriot was introduced by the royal Chief Attendant.

He informed the press that in the past The Royal Chamber rarely addressed mistakes done by peers within the large peerage, but now they saw no other way than taking action to correct what in best case is a mistake. And in worst case? A public status robbery?

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Run a Shop at Home!

I just put together a new How I Play video. This time it's all about the sale tables that were introduced with City Living, Jungle Adventure and ECO Lifestyle packs. I'm not sure if a sale table was also added to the base game, if so no packs would be needed to start a shop on your residential lot :)

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Calendar Year 229

How could I forget about the calendar when starting Year 229? These annual listings of upcoming events in my noble houses actually helps me planning and also provide inspiration when moving on with my community. So - sorry for the delay - it's still early Year 229 and time (for me) to catch up!

The noble houses share highlights from their calendar. Most events are roughly planned a year ahead, making it easier for their busy network to reserve time in their schedule, and to avoid big celebrations to conflict. Most events are set for a season rather than a specific date, details will be shared later in formal invitations. Each house will normally host one or two major events per year, and most houses will accept only one invitation per social season (mid Spring to mid Fall). In addition, everyone on their Trust payroll will normally represent twice (royals a bit more).

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Gallery Ex-Po: One step up!

(Year 229) Decades ago Rose W. von Kaching, Baroness of Gloom, opened Gallery Ex-Po at Crestville in Newcrest. It sold a few classical paintings, but was even  more known for its show rooms where home based artists and crafters could exhibit their works. The exhibitors have changed over time, spanning from woodworks to knitted rugs, although the main focus was paintings and photos.

Five years ago the gallery was certified Art Broker and the building was slightly adjusted to meet a new community segment. Last week Baroness Rose of Gloom celebrated the first five years as an important art broker, still serving the community at large but not the least with collectors and a higher society as target.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Groceries coming to Arena Shopping Mall

(Year 229) Just a quick note from the Arena Shopping Mall in Newcrest. Since a generation they offered clothes, gifts, baked goods, photo studio and much more. Now they are preparing a new section offering locally produced groceries!