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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Wyvern Hall

(Year 229) Wanna see what I did to the Wyvern Hall - the dorm at Britechester campus? I figured that because I don't really play the premade dorms, I could just as well transform one of them into a finer estate. The exterior is old, the surroundings are screaming old nobility, and I actually considered turning Wyvern Hall into a royal seat. Adding one full floor would make it spacious enough for a top notch household.

Instead, my royal estate was built in Del Sol Valley, and Wyvern Hall became their additional property, owned by Mazaloom Royal Trust and to be used by the Monarch's relatives with priority on behalf of the Prince/Princess Royal (which is the Monarch's 2nd child). Today HRH King Tarriot's younger brother, Prince Blaise, lives at Wyvern Hall with his wife and their two teen children.

Let's have a quick tour!

The main salon (above) is probably my favorite. This is the only finer salon, and with access to both the dining room and a roof terrace, it's perfect for social events. Although Prince Royal Blaise resides here with his family, the Monarch occasionally use it for formal gatherings when Britechester is a better location.

The old salon has a grand piano and a bar, and there is room for mingling etc.  It's perfect for a smaller group of guests.

Here s the floor plan:

I did not add a 2nd floor, so the exterior is pretty much unchanged. The arrival room is front, accessed by elevator. The dining room is on the right side, right under the kitchen. The dark room down right is the office/library. The left side is their private section including 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, and a small resting area. From the resting area you spot the blue staircase leading to the attic, where the butler lives.

This is the master bedroom:

It's way less glamorous than at the royal estate, but has a cozy vibe including a few upper class details.

The additional 2 bedrooms are smaller, but with enough space for activities being children's toys or a teenager's hobby.

Below you get a peek into the dining room. They can add more furniture to serve 12-14 guests.

It's basically their daily space though, so most of the time the rooms are not overly decorated.

Both Prince Royal Blaise and his wife (who is a Lawyer) use the old office. The Prince administrates an old trading company founded by the House of Luxe-Hamper long ago, so he spends quite some working hours in here.

Below you see the stairway leading up to the attic.

The attic is very tiny, and their butler stays in the left side room (not yet equipped). On the right there is another room that is currently not used, but that could easily be turned into one extra bedroom if needed in the future.

I quite like this build, and might do something similar with the other dorm as well. I built my own private dorm as a residential lot at Gibbs Hill, so I don't need the additional student accommodation. 

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