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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Dramatic changes coming to the Large Peerage

(Year 231, Fall) At the latest monthly press conference at the Royal Palace, a big adjustment to the Large Peerage was hinted, but not yet explained in detail. Why would anyone do this, when knowing it will trigger speculation?

Royal Chief Attendant, Ms Patricia Maiden, lead the conference, where the biggest newspapers and TV channels were represented. They did not know what was coming, and Ms Maiden seemed less prepared than she usually is.

- The Regional Reform 232 is hitting us in a little more than one year. Although the regional adjustments are big stuff that must be approved by all three chambers (Royal Chamber, People Chamber, and High Court), there are a few elements that will be totally up to the Royal Chamber to decide, because it regards the Large Peerage, only, and will normally not require approval by any other instance.

The journalists took notes, but did not seem to quite understand what this was all about...

- We are talking regions and high nobility! Traditionally the high nobility peerages, such as the dukedoms, have each their District Order, which ranks them above low nobility. Originally there was created 8 District Orders, one per region. They could of course have been  named Region Orders. Over the years a few more orders were added, so today we've got too many. When the regions get adjusted, there might be multiple high nobility peers in some regions, with multiple District Orders. We don't want that! So, HRM King Tarriot has suggested to keep just one District Order per region, and put the others to rest. And, we know it will be the lowest ranked Peers, like Barons, who will need to see their District Order go! It will make these fine gentlemen Low Nobility, which might feel like a downfall to most.

Ms Maiden made it clear that while the suggestion needs some discussion and the final result will depend on the final regional reform, the Royal Chamber will present an official plan at the Mazaloom Great Gathering this coming Spring.

Journalists naturally started analyzing the possible outcome, although their knowledge might lack a bit on the nobility arena. Some quickly spotted that both Baron of Gloom and Baron of Myshuno will face a downfall as the Meadows dukedom will most likely stay the highest ranked Peerage of Region 12. But then, it has been said that Region 12 will be split, so if there will be 3 new regions, maybe all 3 will keep their orders and stay High Nobility? And how about the Count of Ticktop - the smallest region that will surely merge with some other region, will the Count lose his status as High Nobility?

Questions are many, and that is before the dukes, counts and barons themselves are informed.

What was the purpose of releasing this info before there are any answers to all the questions?

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