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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 19 August 2024

Region 12 Mazaloom becomes Region 8 Gloom

(Year 232, Winter) The Regional Reform Y233 was already completed and takes effect on 1st day of Spring Year 233, which is now only a few days ahead. The Mazaloom kingdom will still have eight regions, and while a few regional borders were adjusted, many areas were not much affected. Some new region numbers will appear, though. With the administrative implementation, a few more details are brought to the table.

The biggest changes regard the area formerly know as Region 12 Mazaloom.

Because this region used to have all the stately institutions, including the People Chamber, High Court, the Royal Palace and also the by far largest city of the Mazaloom kingdom, it was only natural that Region 12 carried the same name as the nation. The region was also the focus for the early version of this blog and associated website. However, now that all of these institutions AND some of the land were transferred to neighboring regions, many voices have claimed the name to change. The region that now covers Gloomville with Evergreen Harbor, Newcrest and Brindleton Bay is still an important region with essential history, but way smaller than before - both geographically and administratively.

With a nod to the old Gloom barony, which has been of high nobility for more than 200 years, the new region will be named Region 8 Gloom. The number 8 used to be Region Ticktop, which is now merged with Region 4 Crafthole. Intentionally, the number 8 was meant to be unused for a period, in order to avoid misunderstandings in both old and new documents. But as the old Region 8 Ticktop had only 4000 residents and also was a rather secluded community, the chances of mixing the old and new Region 8 will be quite small. It was therefore decided that the number 8 can be used immediately by a different geographical area. It's good to have it done.

On the website many new details have already been adjusted, but there might still be references to Region 12, and this will be corrected as we find them. Old articles will of course refer to the old facts. That is how our history is written. History shall never be corrected.

Evergreen Harbor, StrangerVille and Hollow

Three smaller areas, that were formerly administrated as hoods, have now requested to get status as separate districts. This is partly explained by the new election routine no longer electing Hood Contacts, but having District Mayors as the most local level. But also the significant population growth triggered this.

Hollow is a secluded hood administrated by the district Ravenwood of Region 2 Rossie. Hollow has too few residents to serve as its own district, and their request, by the way in form of a piece of old paper with shaky handwriting, will not cause any changes to that. They will still be a hood administrated by the district Ravenwood.

Evergreen Harbor has grown rapidly over the recent decades and is now home to several thousands, plus it is the center of the biggest political movement in modern times, represented by the MIDDLE party. Evergreen Harbor had one Hood Contact already, but will from the Year 235 election achieve district status, with their own District Mayor. Their hoods are Port Promise, Conifer Station and Grims Quarry.

- This is on time!, applauds MIDDLE party Leader and Minister of the Health & Welfare Dept., Rebekah Starks (45). - This is the only way we can have some political influence, as Evergreen is our cradle and where we have actually been an important source to building the local community that today spans three hoods and thousands of residents.

StrangerVille has been an annex administrated by Oasis Springs ever since the Landgraab dynasty founded the place six decades ago. It has become a center for Scientists and Military, lately with the Old Penelope Military School. Population has grown and is currently bigger than in Oasis Springs. StrangerVille still has some unbuilt land, and a few of the small worker homes might get renovated, too. From Year 233 StrangerVille gets the status of a separate district, with the two hoods Plaza and Shady Acres. The Y235 election will give them their very first District Mayor.

- This is a day for my history book, says local appointed Hood Contact, Mr Ted Rossell Mester Acres (73). - We have worked hard for this moment! Rossell is a former Scientist and Military man, currently working with some shady investigations that he can not talk about. Unfortunately he will be too old to run for the District Mayor title, but it is unclear whether he is supported by a party anyway. Because the political parties never were active in StrangerVille, it might be interesting to see how the election will run.

- Did you tell them that I am 3rd in line of successors to the Meadows dukedom?, he chimes in the second this article gets closed.

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