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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday 2 August 2024

Mazaloom kingdom: Maps - Transport net

(Year 232, Winter) We focused on the Regional Reform Y233 already, but the Mazaloom map contains so much more information than the regional borders. In a mini series we will check out where to find the Parishes and Churches, the many Schools, where the High Nobility houses are located, and not the least: How to travel within Mazaloom kingdom? Along the road there is also a touch of national history.

Today, let's check out the transport net! What are the alternative transport options, and where do we find them? What districts are the busy network points, and what areas are secluded? The well established transport network includes roads, boats, railway and 3 airports.

The national transport plan sorts under Health & Welfare dept., and Minister Rebekah Starks (MIDDLE Party) will fill in as there are numerous ways to get about.

- The map shows that traveling is easier in the eastern part of the kingdom. Cities like San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley and Ciudad Enamorada can easily be accessed, but also Britechester, Brindleton Bay and Newcrest offer most of the travel alternatives.

How about railways?

- Railway was always a popular and effective transport, still offering minimum 4 departures in each direction daily - except Weekends and holidays. The railway connects Windenburg in the north with both Ciudad Enamorada and Del Sol Valley in the south, with two separate lines splitting in San Myshuno. This far only the Windenburg-Del Sol Valley track is electric, but we work hard to modernize the western track as well. Britechester has the best offer, with 3 lines. You can trave to Ciudad Enamorada, to Windenburg via Brindleton Bay and Newcrest, and to Del Sol Valley via Magnolia Promenade and San Myshuno.

MIDDLE Party's front Politician is perhaps less enthusiastic about airplanes?

- The nation has 3 airports and we can not close them if we want to have open international lines. They are Airport Dreywater located near San Myshuno (the oldest and biggest), Airport Dorian Jones near Ciudad Enamorada, and Airport Trucker-Duck near Newcrest. All three airports are named after the nation's early Presidents. Trucker-Duck also have western international connections including SimNation, while Dreywater connects to eastern international destinations, such as Sea kingdom. Dorian Jones, originally a military airport that was upgraded in Year 152, mainly serves as a transit airport for Dreywater, but this is the airport we might close down, eventually.

North-south can also be done by boat, which will naturally take much longer, but also is good value for your money if you got the time and enjoy the landscapes and harbors.

- Traveling by boat is my favorite, especially when electricity is the fuel. It might be too slow for most modern sims, but the routes are still popular regionally, and also used for goods transport, especially were train is not an option. Towns like San Sequoia, Del Sol Valley, and Ciudad Enamorada have 3 boat routes each. Also Tartosa has 3 routes, but one is the weekly boat to the local island of Effenmont, mainly busy in tourist season, only. You can travel by the Hopper Rout, serving the route San Myshuno-Del Sol Valley-San Sequoia-Tartosa-Evergreen Harbor-Brindleton Bay-Windenburg ever since Year 162. The route can also connect with Ciudad Enamorada.

If you want to go abroad you can reach Sea kingdom by plane from Airport Dreywater (San Myshuno) or by boat from San Sequoia. To Empire of Snorthia you can only travel directly by boat from Ciudad Enamorada, these days not without restrictions regarding the ongoing cultural conflict. Normally you could also travel by plane from Airport Trucker-Duck (Newcrest) via SimNation. Going to SimNation is easiest by plane from the mentioned Airport Trucker-Duck.

The many possible combinations of different transport types makes it pretty easy to travel between most regions, but there are still a few districts that can be accessed by road, only.

Fun fact: Did you know that any elected regional Councilor will be allowed to move only 1 regional border away? The exact rule says that they can move up to 10 hours travelling away, meaning you can reach pretty far if you go by airplane. The common understanding is still the one they used before planes were possible - 1 border only.

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