(Year 233, Winter) First day of Winter is Investiture Day, also known as the annual Royal Court. On this day HRM King Tarriot, or a member of the royal family in his place, will knight new members of the high orders of the kingdom, or confirm a new Peerage holder. In addition other members of the large peerage will be officially announced. It is a day with long treaditions, including a gala dinner in the evening.

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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.
Friday, 7 March 2025
Royal Court - Investitures
Monday, 3 March 2025
Skill Lectures and National Mentors
(Year 234, Spring) Ministry of Science & Education is currently debating a better national routine for education aimed towards young adults and older. Both elementary and secondary students already have options including privat schools - including boarding schools, in addition to the free national school system. We also have university and institutes which are popular for career specializing, but normally takes 4 years to complete. Now the time has come for grown-ups who want building a single skill in a less formal setting. Ministry of Science & Education will focus on venues for learning specific skills, covering personal interests and beyond.
While the target group will be grown-ups, many teenagers will also find this interesting, especially those in need of building certain skills to be accepted for a chosen private high school. Many teenagers have hobbies, too.