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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 7 March 2025

Royal Court - Investitures

(Year 233, Winter) First day of Winter is Investiture Day, also known as the annual Royal Court. On this day HRM King Tarriot, or a member of the royal family in his place, will knight new members of the high orders of the kingdom, or confirm a new Peerage holder. In addition other members of the large peerage will be officially announced. It is a day with long treaditions, including a gala dinner in the evening.

This year four persons got the main attention. Houses of Kaching, Cavalier, Croismare and Crumplebottom, all entered the Throne Room podium to receive their royal blessing.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Skill Lectures and National Mentors

(Year 234, Spring) Ministry of Science & Education is currently debating a better national routine for education aimed towards young adults and older. Both elementary and secondary students already have options including privat schools - including boarding schools, in addition to the free national school system. We also have university and institutes which are popular for career specializing, but normally takes 4 years to complete. Now the time has come for grown-ups who want building a single skill in a less formal setting. Ministry of Science & Education will focus on venues for learning specific skills, covering personal interests and beyond.

While the target group will be grown-ups, many teenagers will also find this interesting, especially those in need of building certain skills to be accepted for a chosen private high school. Many teenagers have hobbies, too.