Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Detesters Revival - Completed!

Finally, TS3 testsims Pauline and Hector Detester's humorous story is now complete with all pictures revived! They were gone thanks to photo server service no longer accepting 3rd party posting. So, I uploaded all photos to this blog instead, crossing fingers for not getting a "sorry, server full" note.

My test sims Pauline and Hector Detester's story is now fully accessible!

I must admit that I enjoyed rereading the Detester story. This couple is probably among my better characters for a story, if you missed them in the past, I hope you will give them a chance and read from their first chapter. There is a developing story, but I think reading just random chapters might be fun, too :)

On a side note, while fixing the blog posts photos, I found that two chapters were never published! Meaning that even if you already read this blog story, there will be new stuff for you! Those two chapters will be posted during December, I'll post a notice when it's done.

Also note that I added chapter numbers and seasons to the posts. All chapters are linked from the Detesters story's main page.

Also Seagull Cottage and Town of Galucca were affected by the picture drop out, and will get their own revival during this Winter.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Teeth genetics

Oh, those teeth! I'd like bad teeth to be inherited, at least to one of the sim's kids. And I don't want random ugly teeth on all my in game born kids, but rare occasions would be good.

But I'm not even sure that the TS4 game deals with teeth genetics at all. There was only one way to find out, creating a couple in CAS and then play with genetics.

I gave both dad and mom (top row) special teeth, then they had 6 kids - 3 daughters and 3 sons. If teeth genetics exist, at least one of those 6 kids ought to get abnormal teeth, right?

But no, all 6 of them got perfect teeth, and I'm a tad disappointed. I guess the only way to give my families teeth genetics would be adding this feature to my manual genetics string. I'm not sure whether I want to do that, because the string already holds so much information. Besides, if EA adds just 1 more teeth version, a manual system would need to be tweaked. I might find another way instead.

A simple way could be that oldest son inherites mom's teeth, while oldest daughter inherits dad's teeth. In addition the remaining kids could have a tiny chance to get random teeth, decided with the help of a dice.

Do you add ugly teeth to your sims/kids?

Friday, 3 November 2017

Cats and Dogs - Brindleton Bay Screenshots

The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs EP is just around the corner - to be released on November 10th, and yesterday there was a stream session showing off the new world, Brindleton Bay. I captured a few screenies to share with you in case you want to refresh all those views!

Brindleton Bay comes with the countryside feel, but also includes the feel of a smalltown and the open ocean. Here's the world screen as you enter.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Detesters revival

Long time followers might recall my TS3 story about the "lovely" Pauline and her hubby Hector. They worked as testsims, had twin daughters and moved to town of Galucca. This series is not closed, but something beyond my control happened, forcing it all to be paused.

Pauline and Hector Detester are back!

All pictures were hosted by Photobucket, and I should have known - at one point all those free services will lock your content, and the only way you can regain access is to upgrade your account which normally means paying a never ending annual fee. I refused to pay them, so all my stories using pictures from them were ruined. When pictures can no longer be watched, a photo driven story becomes rather wasted, right?

This took place couple years ago, and I've finally started the work updating the Detesters story. I still kept all pictures safe, it just takes some time to fix it all. At the moment the first ten chapters were revived, and the rest will be fixed during November.

Also Seagull Cottage and Town of Galucca were affected by this (perhaps a few more, too), and will get its revival over the coming months.

You'll find the first Detesters chapter right here!

Saturday, 7 October 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #15 - Skills

So, this challenge already reached report #15 and Donna is still a teenager? Well, not for much longer! She will grow up during next report, and her dad Abraham becomes old and grey in this report - stay tuned!

This challenge is mostly based on skills - not just random skills, but those based on someone's personality and interests. Donna is forced to max out her dad's Painting skill, and her mom's Cooking skill. In addition she can pick one personal skill, which she will not decide quite yet. Will it be singing? Will her unit of the garden simply contain a karaoke machine?

Donna's main heir will then need to max out all those 3 skills + one personal, and finally the last main sim will need to max out a total of 5 skills... while Donna is still in the house! I'm not even sure that will be possible...

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Coming up: The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs

Pets are coming to the Sims 4 universe! Release date November 10th is only 5 weeks ahead!

This time the pets expansion focuses on cats and dogs, only, but there will also be raccoons and foxes. For the first time you can dress up your cat or dog, and in addition your sim can become a vet and run a Clinic.

Sounds good to me! Click here to head over to thesims.com for Cats and Dogs news and video and the latest screenshot releases!

Monday, 2 October 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #14 - Sylvia's Unit

It's weekend, and Sammy probably thought that he could make as much noise as he wanted. But seriously - playing the guitar while your siblings are eating breakfast?

Sammy is not very good at playing, some practice will do him good.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #13 - Grown Ups

Guess what - twins grew up to young adults! I forgot to throw a party, it just happened. So, with Rudolph and Sammy ready to start their grown up lives, things might get a little bit more relaxed...

Rudolph seems unhappy, while Sammy is more optimistic. Rudolph's full set of traits is Cheerful, Geek and Jealous, and in addition he is Responsible and Good manners. He got himself a tech job.

Monday, 18 September 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #12 - Catching Up

After a break, I'm back with my Five Units Challenge and the Clump family. It's been 4 weeks without playing, and that's all what it takes to forget most anything. I like this family, but I needed some time to get under their skin again, and to catch up with my rules. So, a quick resume might be in place...

This challenge focuses on DNA and skills. The challenge can only be forwarded to a child who has black hair and green eyes, and the main sim must max out all skills previously being focused on in this challenge, as well as one more skill added - based on that main sim's interests, hopefully. At any given time there is one main sim who is restricted to rules, while the rest of the household can live their lives pretty much as desired.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #11 - Donna's Birthday

Knowing these reports are dragging out - you might think how can I possibly keep going for 3 generations (challenge rules), when gen 1 sim is still a child on report 11? Well, good thing is that I will be more familiar with the various Parenting GP routines come next generation. But even better news - Donna will very soon become a teen!

Like seeing for the first time that a child can set a table by free will, is quite cool!

Friday, 18 August 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #10 - Into the Wild

With Parenthood GP installed, I'm testing this all through a challenge ongoing for 3 generations. So far the founders raised 4 children, 2 of them are already teens. I like Parenthood GP very much, and it's fun to see that also other installments from community lots to activities get a new flavor. Today they will test yet another feature!

Gathering a family for a group meal is very easy, and they normally sit long enough for some chatting, too.

Friday, 11 August 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #09 - First Unit

It's time for another report from the Clump family and my ongoing challenge! Sylvia and Abraham's 4 kids are all going to school, Rudolph and Sammy are teens.

Boys share one bedroom upstairs, while girls Fiona and Donna share another room.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #8 - Teenagers

I'm getting quite addicted to my The Five Units Challenge (rules), in fact I like Parenthood GP so much that The Sims 4 is becoming a good game! There's still a lot to explore, and along the road I also find that there is plenty of content from previous EPs and GPs that I did not try yet.

 All of Sylvia and Abraham's children are now in school, and toddler stuff was set aside. No more potty training, highchairs or tower building in a while.

The extra time allows for Sylvia to get more involved with the garden. There are many plants she would like to add, although she is mainly growing the base species.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #7 - Skill Pondering

Days are very different now that 3 of the 4 children have started school. They take even better care of themselves, and the parenting is more about assisting with skill building and manners than to handle basic care. My challenge has worked well this far, but it's only just started...

Twins Rudolph and Sammy are out playing with a kid that Rudolph met in school, Clara Adrian who lives at Oasis Springs. Fiona is also with them playing, over there by the pirate ship.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #6 - Family Photo

My little challenge goes on and it's time to celebrate! Sylvia maxed out her cooking skills, so cooking will be the theme of her outdoor unit! Because she is first, she can pick any of the 5 prepared slots - they are all free.

The entire family celebrates with a solid serving of mac and cheese. Well, they forgot to place Donna in her highchair, so she ate while seated in the armchair instead.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #5 - On The Move

Life goes on in the Clump family - go here if you like to read about this challenge. Sylvia and Abraham now have 4 kids, and it's quite a handful to tackle! I expected the days to become a tad repetitive, but because the children reach new life stages, there will constantly be new content from the Parenthood GP for me to discover. I really enjoy it all!

Although, I've been thinking of moving this household, more about that below.

Abraham and Sylvia works quite well as a couple. I was a bit worried for Abraham being a Loner, would he coop with such a big family?

Saturday, 22 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #4 - Skills status

My Five Units Challenge goes on, and it's time to consider the founders' main skills as well as the outdoor units they are supposed to build. The household now counts 2 adults, 2 children, 1 toddler and 1 baby. Thanks to the Parenthood GP this will probably become my most hectic household ever.

Everyday is starting to get real hectic for the Clump family. Abraham brings in most money by painting, and thanks to his latest masterpiece selling for nearly §2.000 they were able to expand the house with a new story. Sylvia grows and sells crops, which also brings in some money.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #3 - Growing Household

The Clump family lives on, and in this report from my ongoing challenge twins Rudolph and Sammy will grow up! In future reports there will probably be less pictures per lifestage, but right now I'm enjoying watching the everyday actions of the toddlers, and have to share :)

I'm impressed with how well adults take care of their small children on free will. My only complaint is that when I check what action they are up to, the thumb will not tell, because so many interactions starts with Talk or Walk, etc. I can tell they initiated something, but I'm not able to see whether I should interrupt them or if it's the action I wanted them to perform.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #2 - First Real Family

My little challenge for this summer/fall moves on rapidly, and twins just grew up, yay! Abraham and Sylvia had twins, and now seeing their genetics is quite exciting.

The toddlers seem to behave calmly and with manners, but I guess that will change soon enough? It's been a while since toddlers were introduced to TS4, but I hardly had time to play them until now.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #1 - Founders getting Started

I'm not having the time currently to play my games as much and detailed as I would like, so instead of random and quick visits to my ongoing hoods, I figured I'll run a smaller new TS4 challenge, allowing me to test the Parenthood gamepack. So, here's a few pictures from my new attempt at the Five Units Challenge. Find the rules here if you want to check it out!

I created Abraham Clump and Sylvia Rotting in CAS. They look quite ordinary, but according to rules a few details were given my attention. A small house was built and I was actually surprised how easy it was to get a decent starter home. I expected that their start funds would not give them a quite spacious home, but that they would need to stress a while to get the essentials.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge

I'm running a challenge and here is the set-up and rules, in case you like to do something similar.

My founders Abraham and Sylvia just moved in. Follow them on this blog - #thefiveunitschallenge.
I will post reports from my version of this challenge summer and fall, starting this July.

Friday, 31 March 2017

Rewind: One Happy World Charity Show

[The Sims 2, 2008]  I found this recording in my archives, a pretty cool recording from a charity show arranged in my Simmerville Hood - long ago. I have forgotten the hostess' name, and most of the other featured sims' names, as well. But I still recall the magic.

It took days to get it all right, and there are so much that I would like to make different today. Did you ever record as show like this, and would you care sharing your link? Would love to watch it :)

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Simmerville's Sims Update

Hello? Anyone out there? Or in here?

I've been very silent lately, sorry for that! I've spent a few weeks abroad, and I'm in the last phase of a larger job which takes most of my time right now. Not enough time to play my games, and definitely not to make updates for my ongoing series «San Myshuno Undercover» and «Life Unlimited». I even have several ideas for new series, so I can't wait to get back!

I think i will focus on SMU with only 2 episodes remaining. My plan for LU is many more episodes, although not very complicated story wise. And then there is the new idea... well, I better hold back a little.

If you subscribed to my Youtube channel you might have noticed some clips called «Silly Search» that are not Sims related. Those clips are a little project, mostly for fun, they are meant to be weird video greetings with a text message hidden somewhere inside. They are now moved to another channel, so you won't need to get them on you subscriber list unless you follow the new channel.

So, when can you expect any updates? SMU part 5 will definitely be up during March, part 6 before Summer. I don't expect LU to catch up before April, hopefully. In need of some green screen editing there, so I'll probably need some time to learn those basics :)

Stay tuned!

Thursday, 26 January 2017

San Myshuno Undercover - Part 4

A new episode was uploaded - San Myshuno Undercover, part 4 out of 6. Check out how Jill fares visiting her neighbor Geeta for dinner, and how the announced date with the photographer Shariff turns out!

Part 5 is planned to be released late february.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

First Toddler - a Day in the Twoller Household

[The Sims 4] So, this game finally got its toddlers, yay! While I liked the TS3 toddlers, I never really missed them that much in TS4. Instead I would wish for a clearer difference between teens and young adults, because I do miss the teenagers like we had them in previous games. In other words my sims do grow up too fast.

Anyway, now that toddlers are back, I do like them. They seem quite big, and they obviously can walk from the second they live their baby bed. It will make them more mobile and probably more interesting to play.

The only household I could think of that still have a baby in their household, was the Twoller family. You might recall Toby Twoller coming 3rd in my Sims by Numbers Show a couple years back. He is now pushing elderhood, living in Oasis Springs with his wife Natalie and their kids Celina and Kendrick. Kendrick is now my game's very first toddler, regardless of worlds.

I captured some video while exploring Kendrick in everyday toddler situations. Have a look!

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

San Myshuno Undercover - Episode 3

Part 3 is up - secret agent Jill Narvane attends a vernissage at the popular Casbah Gallery, and finally gets seriously introduced to someone she longed to meet.

A total of 6 episodes are planned for this series. Get notified by subscribing to Simmerville's youtube channel or follow this blog.

Happy new year, and enjoy! :)