Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 29 January 2022

House de Cavalier Addresses Rumors

(Year 228) Old-Duke Aquess (82) and Old-Duchess Claudine (78) de Cavalier recently sent out a press note to address some rumors that have been around in Brindleton for a while.

- The former Duchess and I, have been upset by recent debates clearly based on misunderstandings. We would like to address both my retirement and our son's disapproved romantic relation.

New official photo from House de Cavalier shows that both old-Duke and old-Duchess are getting older.

Two years ago I handed the Cavalier dukedom to our oldest son, Charlopold Demitris. Yes, it was done strictly against protocol, but with the Royal Chamber's approval. Dukes can not choose to retire because their commitment is life long, as stated by our dukedom's letter of patent (dated Year 98), but under certain circumstances even a duke can apply for help, often referred to as turnaround agreement. If approved, which is not very likely, the duke can step back.

Thursday, 27 January 2022

With a live audience: The Simmerville Show!

(Year 228) A brand new TV show will premier end of January! Today the last recordings with a live audience took place at Fun Factory at Magnolia Promenade. The show includes many guests as well as reports from visits to local households.

Main host, Fritz Mervil, is assisted by a Castle Reporter and a Guest Caretaker, but refuses to tell us who his two assistants are or what exactly they will do. The former is said to visit households all over the region, with video reports being presented during the show. There is no rule for what households to be featured, but we will try to visit one high nobility House per show, plus one other. It will be possible posting a request if you want to be visited, or if there is a specific house you want us to tour. The Guest Caretaker will of course tend to our guests.

- Anyone who watched all previous video productions by Simmerville Studio will recognize them both, but they never appeared in the same production before! That's all I can say now!

It was freezing cold at Fun Factory during the recording, and both Mervil and the audience complained, but nobody left the set.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Testament Reading - Oliver Pleasant

(Year 228) Last Spring a testament reading took place at the office of Lawyer Anita Ferny, Oasis Springs. Deceased Oliver Pleasant died from Hysteria in Henford-on-Bagley, the Winter of Year 226, only months after getting married (read more: The recent affairs of Tulsy Cracrow).

Deceased, Oliver Pleasant

- This testament is a little different, explains Lawyer Ferny. - Oliver Pleasant wrote his last will back in Year 225 when he had no children and probably no idea that he would get married the following year. However, he married and before he died his wife became pregnant with twins who were not born until this Spring, one season after their father's death. Normally an heir must be born to be considered an heir. This time his widow did protest, with a claim on behalf of her two newborn sons.

Such discussions normally take place before the testament is read, actually before the exact heirloom is known, even. The values that are up for grab shall not affect the interest and efforts among possible heirs. Instead, all valid heirs must be clear prior to the reading.

Monday, 17 January 2022

House von Fyres: New Lord von Haunt

(Year 128) This week Dominic Fyres, Lord of Deadgrass and Lord von Dresden (79), announced that his son-in-law, Dr. Nivert Hump was given the courtesy title Lord von Haunt.

House von Fyres gathered for a dinner at Dresden House to formalize it all. But first a few words about this young man, Mister Kalic Fyres (8).

Kalic is the only person who can  bring on the successes of this House! He has 3 older sisters, Siobhan (45), Morgan (35) and Ailis (12), and they could all be the next Head of House von Fyres - if it was not for the three peerages involved. All of those peerages require a male successor. Traditionally the higher peerage is on the hands of the Head of House - it's simply strategically wiser to gather the power when possible. The challenge will be that current Head, Dominic Fyres will probably be gone long before Kalic can take over 17 years from now.

Friday, 14 January 2022

University - New term

(Year 228) It's that time of year again! Another term is about to begin at University, and six young adults are ready to grab their books and projects with desire! Well, for the first week, the least.

Mossy Lane Dorm has grown very popular with students reserving their stay years in advance. It's basically intended as a better standard dorm for noble youngsters, but after they picked their better roms on 3rd story, there will normally be rooms for regular students as well.

This term there are two young women from the same low nobility house, House of Rab-Saxor, but none of them rank very high, anyway. And - it naturally means fewer photographers at the term opening...

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Community Section - Company Index, Job Listing and Stock Holders!

(Year 228) There's loads of new information to check out in the Community Section of this blog! A big part of my game is administrating the community aspects, and I needed more tools to keep track on the businesses and their shareholders. This also included a better look on what jobs these companies offer, included a much better listing of job openings. More will be added later, but there's enough to let you check it out. And if this is not your cup of tea, you might still get a few ideas for your own game.

First of all; the Community Section can be accessed from the thumbs on top of this blog. It basically contains bio pages for each of my 400+ played sims including family trees (some spanning 225 years all the way back to Medieval!), and then there is one start page for each of the five departments as run by my Council. Most stuff is linked from the left side menu on most pages.

Friday, 7 January 2022

TS4 Roadmap 2022

While I prepare my future updates, here is the freshly released 2022 roadmap for The Sims 4! The highlight is obviously the Romance gamepack.

I assume it might cover 1st half of the year, but dates were not (yet) given.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

The Recent Affairs of Tulsy Cracrow

(Year 228) Since long, there was an open question regarding Tulsy Cracrow (65), who resides the Cracrow Cottage at Finchwick in Henford-on-Bagley: Would she be the last Head of House of Cracrow? Tulsy has a daughter, Amy (15), who is about to start secondary school, but Amy was born outside marriage, meaning that despite being a member of the House, she can never become Head of the House. And with no siblings nor other close relatives, Tulsy had only one possibility: Getting married and having a second child!

Tulsy works as an Paranormal Investigator and she prefers her solitude dealing with magic, rather than having a normal family. So, she was surprised when she ran into Oliver Pleasant (72), telling her that she would be perfect to him no matter what she focused on.