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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 30 September 2022

Region 12 NEWS Special - Year 230 Election

(Year 230, Election Day) 1st day of Spring is the big day in Mazaloom kingdom! Hood Contacts are found through election for hoods where minimum one active political party has a candidate. Even hoods with just one candidate will need the voting, because there is still the alternative of administratively assigned Hood Contact if the one political candidate on offer is not approved by local vote.

While Hood Contacts are very local, filling the 19 available seats of The People Chamber is national. Each of the 8 regions have a number of seats referring to the size of their population, and the number of Hood Contacts won, will decide how many of those seats each party shall fill. Detailed and complicated, but quite logical. Last period the LEFT party held majority including the President. Will Pepperstone get five more years?

Watch  the Region 12 NEWS special to find the results! Hosted by Simmerville Studio's news anchor, Paulo Caliente, assisted by Sabrina Grossing. Tomorrow there will be posted an article with reference to the political results.

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