Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday, 26 February 2023

Growing Together: Astronomy?

I double checked the Growing Together EP trailer to look for any hints of Astronomy. Simmers have pointed out that there are many items hinting to such a theme, and some even questioned whether there will be some alien improvement with the March 16th release.

So, what did I find?

Friday, 24 February 2023

Hearing Aid - Some Statistics from Dr. Phlum

(Year 230, Fall) The Mazaloom Hospital keeps detailed statistics of various medical diseases as well as minor physical defects, and this includes the use of Hearing Aid equipment. Dr. Lucille C. Phlum leads the work and agreed to share some info on this subject.

Stand out with a bright color, or go invisible.

Dr. Lucille (Carrington) Phlum (68) has been working with Medicine most of her life. 29 years ago she was employed at Mazaloom Hospital, and she is currently involved with plans to improve the network of regional health stations.

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Popular Artist got her Prince

(Year 230, Summer) HH Prince Ace (53) has officially tied the knot! A private wedding took place at the little Tartosa Chapel this week, and half the guests were Photographers from the glossy press.

Suzi Sushi showed off a brand new style.

Prince Ace (53) and well known Singer Song Writer Suzi Stench (50) have been living together for a couple years already, at her place at Mirage Park in Del Sol Valley. The gossip magazines now speculate whether the couple - no longer very young, are planning a child or two. None of them had children in the past, so this will be a first time experience.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Protect your Infant!

(Year 230, Summer) In Windenburg there lives a big family in an old, tiny house locally known as Cottage Am See. Heidi (Lobster) Wooblershield (50) raised four children, and is still not done with that job, as the youngest is just about starting school. With all her baby experience she now reacts to how many parents leave their infants and toddlers unprotected in the sun.

- I'm surprised - not to say shocked, when I see small helpless infants put down on a mat in the heating sun without sunglasses! How can  any parent think that is a great idea to expose those young eyes with extreme bright light? Some wear a sunhat, which might help a little on a clouded day, but on a sunny Summer day a hat is far from enough! The infant's eyes are not prepared for such bright light, and the skin of an infant or toddler has absolutely no desire to be exposed for the burning sun at all!

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Prime Minister Wilder reveals Royal Act

(Year 230, Summer) This morning the People Chamber was informed that HRH King Tarriot has issued a new Royal Act to address the conflict between His Majesty and Church of Similius. PM Wilder informed the 21 members of The People Chamber, but they will not handle the act until after Summer.

The act is titled "State Church's number of seats at People Chamber" and the essence is that a state church that is not interested in adjusting to our adjusted community, can not keep 2 reserved seats at the People Chamber, seats that they don't even need support to occupy.

Friday, 10 February 2023

Households of Mt. Komorebi: Ito Family (+ the Sacred Cats)

(Year 230, Summer) I decided to write more about the many households in my game, including some details on cultural and historical aspects. I like to share, and it might also help sorting out further paths and provide much needed inspiration for my own game.

4th protected family of Simerinia:
Ito Family

Protector of the Cat, Protected by the Hydrangea, Element Hope & Worry.

Originally there were 7 protcted families in each of the 3 kingdoms that are today forming the Empire of Snorthia. The Ito family hails from Simerinia, once led by the Ming dynasty.

This family expired in Simerinia, but continued in Mt. Komorebi as Myotashi Princi-ichi, son of Emperor Ludvort and Berubi Concubine, established his own family with a woman hailing from the Ito family. Their son, Naoki Ito, is current head of this family and they reside at 2-4-2 Wakabamori, Wakaba, where they breed the sacred cats.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023


(Year 230, Summer) I've been wanting to add a newspaper feature to my game for years, and finally I got to it! Mazaloom kingdom now has their onlne newspaper, the Mazaloom Times! There are more newspapers in a kingdom, of course, but well, I had to pick one...

This how the very first web edition looks. Of course, there were already some adjusting...

This feature is based on a mix of content, but common is that you can only see the current version, there's no looking back and no archives. Main news reflect the blog articles that are stuff taking place in my game, and not about my game. So - the many household articles will never be seen in the newspaper, and neither the how-I-play articles. Politics, celebrities and misc cuktural stuff might be in the newspaper. In other words, there will be much content on this blog that you won't find published by Mazaloom Times.

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Church of Similius Reacts

Earlier this year HRH King Tarriot surprised everyone by addressing equality, and in particular by pointing at the stately Church of Similius, that is known to treat their females quite poorly. This was on the agenda of the Similius Concortium taking place in Gloomville last week.

The Priests of Church of Similius gathered in both Gloomville last week. Left to right: Priest Christoph de Buttercups (Tredony parish)Priest Ezais von Porportoza (Crafthole parish), High Priest Ansgar Profedius (Windenburg parish), Priest Antonius Dipperwell (Mazaloom parish), and Priest Fartain Booch (Rossie parish).

The Similius Concortium is where the five Priests of Church of Similius gather to debate community, politics and of course the church's current position and plans. It takes place every 5th year and is hosted by the High Priest.

Thursday, 2 February 2023

New EP: Growing Together

So, the trailer for the next The Sims 4 Expansion Pack is here! And this will definitely be a pack with features involving all life stages: Generations!

I wanted to check out the new world San Sequoia, but the trailer hardly shows anything from the world, so we might get a look at this later.

Added this world picture that was not included in the trailer, but was found elsewhere.