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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Grand Mazaloom Gathering addressing Equality

(Year 231, Spring) Every year in Spring the Royal Chamber hosts a semi-political symposium where members of the Aristocracy as well as the 8 regional Majors are invited. Every year there is a new main theme, and this year the focus was gender flexibility. The location do alternate a bit, and this year the Grand Mazaloom Gathering (GMG) took place at Hotel Oceana, Tartosa.

The huge doll in Hotel Oceana's reception area has become a symbol for this establishment, despite the original intention of having the display replaced every year.

This year's GMG theme attracted a nice group of attendees. This is not meant to be a political arena, but the themes debated are mostly related to actual community matters, and therefore also should be of interest to more politicians. Isn't this year's theme even a bit controversial?

HRM King Tarriot has clearly stated that the gender subject was chosen to address the ongoing conflict between the Monarch of Mazaloom and Empire of Snorthia, but we believe it might also be a nod to Kingdom of Sea, where females hardly have any rights at all. Previously he also criticized the very old fashioned practice of the Church of Similius, state religion.

There were several speeches and debates over the packed one day program. Parts of the day there were even two talks running at the same time. The hotel has specialized on conferences (and weddings), and 100 attendees is not a problem.

HRM King Tarriot talked thoroughly and with an open mind about the current conflict. He arrested Empire of Snorthia for not moving on. While also Mazaloom kingdom was a strictly patriarchal community in the past, we have modernized by making most arenas equally open to both genders. There are still a few old high nobility peerages that only sons can inherit, and the King honestly admitted that he wished also dukedoms could be passed on to a daughter, but the main value of these early peerages is that they are old and very restrictive even to the House holding them.

King Tarriot explained that previously there were none gender neutral peerages. Today more than 50%  are neutral, thanks to all peerages created after Year 100 were created with equality i mind. When the King's grandfather, King Tybe, accepted the Throne back in Year 150, his greatest claim was that the succession had to be gender neutral. Which it now is. King Tybe was succeeded by his daughter, Queen Evez. After the current King Tarriot, there will again be a female Monarch - Crown Princess Emireza is already preparing for her future duty.

Also Prince Jerome, the Count de Tredony, spoke up for the kingdom's gender focus over the past generations. He used to be a member of the royal House of Luxe-Hamper, but recently decided to break loose, by founding the new House de Luminosa. 

Prince Jerome is a member of the Royal Chamber, holding the highest peerage of Region 3 Tredony. He grew up with one brother but no sisters, and he and his wife, Countess Bequeenie have just two sons and no daughters.

He stated that the lack of females in his family branch did impact them negatively. With a better mix of genders his childhood would have been different and his growing up would bring different qualities. Going to a boys only boarding school was probably a great idea in the old days, but in a modern community there is absolutely no benefits separating boys and girls in their own schools.

Prince Jerome stated that his own sons would not be as smart and mentally strong if it was not for their female Butler, Arnessa Thebe.

The final voice of the closing debate was Duke Merlin von Windenburg. He is also a member of the Royal Chamber, but he lived a unique life from inheriting his dukedom as the only child, then marrying and getting attempted murdered, giving him a lasting blackout, being discovered several decades later as a local in the Selvadoradian jungle (Sea kingdom)! His life is indeed worthy of a film!

He talked warmly about how in the jungle the females actually has a higher value than men. They are the boss of their little homely community, while the males focus more on hunting, fishing and the larger community. The female voice is heard in local debates, they don't have regular elections but the local hood board makes decisions, and women are welcome as board members just as much as males. Their great Leader is always a male though, but that is connected with their region and religious rituals, more than meaning the Leader has more power. The power is local, while the religion is with the Leader.

The Mazaloom Achievement Diploma

After a short break King Tarriot announced a new community award! The Mazaloom Achievement Diploma shall encourage young and old to build more skills, especially to specialize by reaching the very top skill level. This new award will be open to everyone regardless of formal education or other background. Females and males alike, young and old, rich and poor.  

Every year in Fall one resident will be awarded for maxing a 10 level skill, recently or in the past. Anyone can suggest nominees by contacting the Royal Palace Office (R.P.O.).

The King was pretty sure that this year the female candidates might stand a good chance, but basically there will be no preferences. When there are many candidates we might look to regions or skills that were not recently awarded, because we want everyone to feel included, but no such rule will be set in stone.

HRH Crown Princess Emireza will be in charge of the Mazaloom Achievement Diploma.

Royal Court line-up Year 231

First day of Winter is Investiture Day, aka Royal Court, where new high nobility Peers officially get their Peerage investiture and the Monarch's blessing, and where new members are knighted for the many district orders. Just to mention some of the program for the day.

Right before the closing of this year's Great Mazaloom Gatrhering, HRM King Tarriot traditionally announced this year's line-up. There are rules saying the members of the aristocracy that are to be honored, must be announced minimum 6 months before Investiture Day. This mostly refers to inherited titles, in order to get distant relatives a chance to react while there is sill time - it's not very likely today that surprise relatives will claim a peerage, but this rule is still obeyed.

The line-up will be as follows:

1. Count Helfert of Ticktop to be knighted for the High Order of the Baltazar.

2. Countess Benedicta of Crafthole to be knighted for Windenburg District Order.

3. Prince Ace to be knighted for Tredony District Order.

4. Lord Virtus de Gould to be knighted for Crafthole District Order.

5. Countess Bequeenie de Tredony to be knighted for Ticktop District Order.

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