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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Tomarang: Ravenot Palace

So, we are all busy in Tomarang? This time I had more planning to do than usually, because Tomarang was a perfect fit for my Mazaloom's neighboring nation, Empire of Snorthia. The story was there already, and many of the local family names were in previous notes, too! So, I "only" had to add all those details while integrating those old tidbits. History is that the Sloth Family conquered three old kingdoms back in Year 41, they were Simerinia, Yacothia and Komorebia. Tomarang is in southern part of Yacothia. They lost their power, but today they are the three regions of the empire. Back then the fresh Emperor gave 7 families of each region status as protected families, and now it was time for me to dive into the old dynasties of the Yacothia region. The 1st family resides in Yacothia city, but the 2nd protected family is the very top of Tomarang - the Ravenot Family.

They reside their Ravenot Palace, located at Morensong to be close to the Temple. This family is the protector of the Temple, protected by the Death flower, and Air is their element.

Priest Rolab Ravenot (39) is the 6th head of this family, and the 5th generation of temple priests. He is actually serving the old Jacobian Faith, that was huge back in the Medieval era - it actually used to be Mazaloom kingdom's official state religion back then. But first head of the Ravenot family was also serving a temple, so therefore Rolab does, too.

Rolab became Priest and head of house aged only 19, but his old mother, My-ko (born Gilmore) (76) is still around - some might even suggest that she was practically the head of this family ever since her husband died. She hails from the 1st protected family of Yacothia, the Gilmore Family, and her father was a High Priest in Yacithia city. Rolab's older sister married into the Gubbs Family, and currently resides in Yacothia city, too.

Ravenot Palace is not extremely large, but its standards are way above the general residential builds of Tomarang. It was originally a church, and it can still serve as one, but no longer as public as before. In the center of the palace is a yard where they keep their spirit house, and also chicken, crops and a Crystal tree.

Walking straight ahead leads you to the formal living room, which includes the church remains. Priest Rolab often practice his preaches here, and household members including servants might join to listen.

In this large room they also serve tea and entertain their guests.

There are a few old heirlooms on display. The painting on the wall shows the founder of this family, Pelham Ravenot. He died before they got the protected status, but he was a temple priest and he also served the Yacobian Faith for years.

The old bird cage holds a story, and the fruit is just an offering to Pelham. Let's just say the display is still under construction ;)

The palace yard is under construction, too. Most plants were just started. There is sky above those centered, but plants along the walls might be sheltered and give produce year round. They don't intend to grow much, but some apples and grapes for nectar making, and of course general food for the fridge. Eggs will be good, too, they keep no rooster so all eggs should be food. Outside they have two mini goats to provide them with milk. I just discovered that flour and sugar can be bought at the night market, and so can some fruits and vegetables, but the offer is not as generous as in Henford.

Because there is no roof over the palace yard, a Priest can lay down to explore the stars if he wants to :)

The basement is small, but might expand. Right now it is mainly a nectar making cellar, but they mainly produce for own use and some gifting. There is also a room for candle making, might find a routine serving the religion.

Dead family members don't get a personal grave stone, but urns are kept. Priests' urns are meant to be stored in the Tomaranian Temple, while females would not be found worthy of resting there, so they need a spot on private ground. Snorthia has a strict birth politic with never more than one son per female. This leads to some families having more daughters than sons, leading to a community of mainly female servants. In the case of Ravenot, all sons became priests, so the crypt is basically for urns of their females. Urns can be stored on shelves, so it should not take up much room...

Facing the street there is a secondary residential unit, meant for tenants - or actually family members who are not part of the regular household, such as the Priest's mother. Rolab is still single, but when he eventually marry and has his own family, his mother - if still around - will move into this unit.

Today the rentable unit is occupied by a distant relative, Joh Ravenot and his wife Shi-ko. Joh and Rolab's mother are 1st cousins. Joh and Shi-ko pays rent, but they also tend the gates and keep the outdoors clean and are practically Servants. They were also meant to tend the crops in the palace yard, but as it is within the master unit, I think it gets too tedious giving them acsess.

The Ravenot Palace seen from the opposite side, I see things that are still under construction, but the building is at least playable. Obviously need to add a local touch to the roof. On 2nd floor to the right are the 3 bedrooms. The tower to the left includes some old magical remedies that a former Priest was engaged with, but is nowadays used for meditation and some Jewelry making. The Priest sill uses the old office, so at some point there might be magic in the air again...

Now on to test out the actual rental unit functions for this lot - and to build some more Tomaranian households.

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