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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday 11 October 2024

Advorton Zoo

(Year 233, Spring) At Plaza Mariposa in Ciudad Enamorada there is a Zoo! Well, it used to be a bit more exclusive, but it is still worth a visit. Because it is no longer accepted to keep wild animals in a cage, you will see neither tigers and elephants from Tomarang, nor apes and snakes from Selvadorada. Only a couple very rare species are kept in the name of science. Instead, Advorton Zoo offers visitors to meet with a large number of creatures, big and small. Families spend hours here - especially children find so much to enjoy.

Advorton Zoo has been around for a couple generations. Let's take a look at what they offer! But first - a few worlds about the zoo keepers: The López family.

Today, Advorton Zoo is administrated by Mónica López. You might be surprised, because you probably recall her from a quite different setting. The zoo was not her first choice, but her heritage. The place was founded by her late father, so Mónica even grew up here. Yes, because live animals would be tricky on a community lot, this lot is residential. Meaning visitors will visit the López household for access to what they want to see. I never had a residential community lot like this before, so I'm eager to see how it will work from the perspective of the visitors. The place will never be packed, wguch might be a good thing when there is so much going on with all the animals and needed chores.

Mónica was widowed recently, as her late husband died from a frog attack. More about the rare frog further down. She is ready to move on with her life and yes - she is active on the dating app.

But most of her hours are occupied by running the zoo. She is only renting the lot, like her father did. The lot is owned by the Count of Advorton, formerly residing in Ciudad Enamorada, but now seated in Chestnut Ridge. Her father did never establish a commercial company, he thought the zoo would build a greater community appeal as a privately run initiative. Most of the ground is taken by the fenced-in zoo, or the animal village, as Mónica prefers to call it. In the back there is a spacious house where the family resides. Because no commercial company is involved, the business vs private life borders can be fluctuating.

Mónica's son, Carlos López, just became young adult. Being her oldest child he is expected to take over Advorton  Zoo, but his younger sister Luz is more keen on the task, than Carlos.

Carlos wants to focus on personal exercising, and while horse riding can add to fitness, feeding and cleaning animals do not. He is currently thinking a lot. If he finds a wife who is an animal enthusiast, it could still work.

Luz is a few years away from growing up, and she adores the zoo, including the filthy work. She is very fond of their two horses, but she is also aware that if Carlos takes over, the only way for her to stay in the loop would be to serve her brother's future business.

Mónica is not stepping down this year, so there is still time for second thoughts.

Now, let's take a closer look at what animals you can currently meet at Advorton Zoo, It's a mix of a farm, a park, activities and exhibitions. Visitors can interact with most animals, help feeding and cleaning etc, and they can try to ride one of the horses.

The cow Belle is always curious to what is going on. The horses are her neighbors, and the goats and chicken are near by, too.

The chicken (Lavender Orpington) were imported from Empire of Snorthia. They give eggs, but roosters are not permitted outside Snorthia, so no new chickens. There are 4 goats of various colors. Occasionally they are allowed to roam freely, but it's fun to see they are able to communicate with the horses over the fence.

There are currently no sheep around, but stock is changing over time as the zoo adjusts its program and also like to start a new season with some new sensation.

In addition to the chicken, there are white ducks.

And, as you can see above, there are rabbits and a llama, too.

Animals need attention, though, and the total chores are quite hefty. To keep track on chores each household member have their focus.

Mónica takes care of the cow Belle - this far south in Mazaloom the black spotted cows are more common than the brown variety. And she also tend to the birds. She wore high heals only for the photo session, she will normally dress a tad more comfortably ;)

Luz deals with the beige llama and the horses.

Carlos handles the goats, insects farms (currently grubs and beetles). and bee hives. And the big frog...

There are a few pigs, too, but they are pure deco and require no attention... :)

During super busy periods the bees are the first exhibition to not getting their attention.

In the background you see a red lamp (above picture). That is where the giant frog from Selvadorada is kept. It is big enough to eat a child, and it certainly was strong enough to kill Mónica's late husband, so it is kept behind solid bars. There is also a Cowplant, but so far no guests were aten.

The zoo also provides changing exhibitions of smaller frogs, axolotls and insects, and also a small gallery of changing paintings/photos featuring wild animals. And - did I mention the zoo shop?

In this shop they sell produce based on harvests from the zoo. This is how the López family makes their regular income. The sales must cover their costs including food for the animal stock and improvements of the zoo. Future improvements depend on this. They sell llama wool, milk and egg based canned goods. Occasionally they also offer cheese and honey. The backyard sales table is a nifty way to bring visitors to the zoo*. At the moment the shop is by the entrance, but Mónica plans to move it to the back of the zoo, as soon as finances allow it, in order to have customers see more of the zoo.

At the moment Advorton Zoo functions quite well. All chores might make it a bit tedious in the long run, but as long as the place is clean and animals are fed, most of the harvesting can be skipped occasionally. To reduce living cost the family grows some food in their little private garden, and they all help with this. It's enough for cooking, but this far not too time consuming.

If their food produce lines up in the fridge, they can always sell more canned stuff from the shop - or group meals even.

So - what will the future bring? Except perhaps a few colored sheep eventually and moving the shop? Mónica hopes to find a new spouse, but this far she never informed about the zoo, on the Cupid app or on a date. It might be hard finding a man who appreciates a life like this. Her late husband certainly did not, but at least he enjoyed horse riding.

Carlos will not become head zoo keeper unless he marries. Mónica is aware that her son is not super interested, so unless he settles with a family at the zoo, she is afraid he might give up and move away on short notice. It could damage the life work of her father.

Luz might be interested, but it would be wrong asking her to stay ready for the zoo sometime in the future, as a plan B. It might never happen, and Luz should be allowed to plan and build her life elsewhere. They need an agreement before Luz grows up. Mónica does not think of passing on the responsibility quite yet, but she realizes that a future partner might change her options radically.

*) Backyard table will only attract customers if not placed behind doors. Arches seem to work.

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