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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday 20 October 2024

Mystery Clown was observed again!

(Year 233, Spring) Only two nights after the mysterious clown was observed in Windenburg, he has been seen again! This time in Tartosa in region Tredony! That is pretty much the other end of our nation! What is the point?

Once again the blue and yellow clown appeared in the harbor area. And like last time, he was seen after midnight.

Constanca Rupa (68) sent in these pictures.

- I was walking my sweet little doggie Cleopatra when I noticed a person out there on the main pier. It was very late and something looked not all right. The harbor is normally empty at that hour. I walked out to check if something was wrong. He just said «I am richer than you scum! I shall rule!"!!! I thought, how rude!

A rich clown , who is the best?

Then he threw some money at me (yes, I grabbed one, for a second I thought it could be my lucky day... night) but it was of course false. It all turned out rather scary and I thought it was wiser to return back home to safety. After all, I did not want this clown to scare my Cleopatra...

The mystery continues, and so far nobody can explain what this is about. Tartosa Tourist Office had no clue, they claimed they had never seen the clown before, and they doubt he could be a local.

On SimMe there are already forming groups debating the mystery clown. Some think he will appear again in a couple nights, perhaps far from Tartosa. Others would like to be the one observing him.

Will he show up again? When, and where?

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