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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 25 June 2022

The Queen's Garden Tea Party

(Year 229) Yesterday 12 high nobility women were gathered in the Chateau Peak Garden. It was time for the Queen's Garden Tea Party!

This event was originally starting the social season, thrown late Spring every year by the Queen of Mazaloom. HRH Queen Venezia is of a less social nature, and has formerly apologized for not keeping up with this routine. However, now that HRH Crown Princess Emireza is about to join the adult society, things might have changed a little. At least it looked like the Queen enjoyed the little event.

A group photo shows that the gathering was not very formal, still they all wore hats, as tradition is. Well, those married, that is. 

Left to right: Princess Aleccandra (Tartosa, Tredony), Duchess Gloria of Meadows (San Myshuno), Duchess Prudence de Aarbyville (Aarbyville), Crown Princess Emireze, Princess Hortenzia (Tartosa, Tredony), Queen Venezia, Princess Evendice (Britechester), Duchess Mandy von Windenburg (Windenburg), Amalia Ellice Luxe-Hamper Hoffstar (Del Sol Valley), and Duchess Ribra Lynn of Rossie (Henford-on-Bagley). Old-Duchess Claudine de Cavalier (Brindleton Bay) and Princess Duella (Britechester) had to leave before this photo session. 

The tea was served at the large terrace, nicely decorated with flower arrangements.

Queen Venezia welcomed everyone by stating that they - the female side of nobility, might sometimes need to accept a spot a few steps behind their husbands, but wherever there walks a Duke - or a King, there will be a wife or a mother making it possible.

In circles like this, it would be  a waste if the hostess did not value her guests by their single sons - and possible spouses for the crown princess. House of Ross' 3rd son, Lord Julian, is 3 years younger that Emireza, but it is too early for them to be introduced. House de Croismare has no children, and rumors have it that either the Duke or Duchess Prudence is not able to reproduce. Well, such a pity! After all, Queen Venezia also has 3 sons to marry off! Not this year though, but 15-20 years ahead.

This was the first time in ages that the «party princesses», Princess Hortenzia and Princess Aleccandra, were seen together. The sisters both reside in Tartosa, but no longer talk officially. Nobody knows why. They were seated separately (on request?), with Old-Duchess Claudine de Cavalier between them.

Nice to see the season is on! Next up this Summer will be the wedding at Chateau Cavalier, but it's not likely that all these women were invited for that event. While weddings are huge in this group, the events are still mostly seen as a private occasion, but with a few guests representing some same level Houses. Everyone respect that most guests will be relatives.

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