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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Royal Palace announces line up for Royal Court Year 230

(Year 230, Spring) The Royal Court takes place at the royal palace Chateau Peak every year on 1st day of Winter, aka Investiture Day. On this day all residents who are facing coronation, knighting or other ceremonial service or announcement relating to the large peerage, will dust off their finer outfit and bring their closest family to the palace.

A new county for Dominic Fyres (81). Pictured Year 201. 

This year's biggest announcement concerns the ongoing adjustments to the large peerage. Last year many "lordships" were replaced with baronies, and this year it is finally time for Dominic Fyres (Windenburg) to face some adjustments to titles. He is granted a new county, and shall be titled Count Dominic von Dresden. Accordingly, his previous remotely administrated Deadgrass lordship goes extinct.

Taking over a peerage from a late parent is effective from the minute that the old parent passes, but the tradition says the new Peer is also to be formally introduced at Royal Court. Those having a crown or smaller traditional head piece or other accessory might bring it for this ceremony, but most new peers will simply be well dressed. Marrying a Peer will normally mean using the corresponding title from wedding day, but it will get formalized in terms of tradition by being announced at the Royal Court. Spouses will normally not be called to stage, though. Getting a new county will of course be a major post on the program. Also worth mention is King Tarriot's half sister Amalia Ellice Luxe-Hamper Hoffstar being granted the brand new title Baroness de Vert.

The full Royal Court program is traditionally announced within Spring, because old rules claim there must be minimum 2 seasons (half a year) between announcement and ceremony to give anyone a fair chance to protest. In the old times there could be distant relatives who would claim a position, but in our days protests are very unlikely to happen because family trees are so well documented by official digital registries. The half year routine is still seen as important, though.

Royal Court is held in the throne room at Chateau Peak.

The following will be invited for investiture at the Royal Court:

- Any new Peer who obtained their peerage since the previous invitation.

- Any Spouse of a peer when the Spouse takes on a higher title. Spouses will not enter stage, but will simply be announced by the Monarch or a representative of The Royal Chamber. Duchesses are obligatory, while Countesses and Baronesses will normally be announced when of high nobility, only.

- New knights of any of the following orders: The Highest Royal Order, High Order of the Baltazar, High Order of Warriors, Order of the Golden Lion, Order of the Sprout, Windenburg District Order (DO), Rossie DO, Meadows DO, Brindleton DO, Myshuno DO, Gloom DO, Verde DO, Tredony DO, Aarbyville DO, Crafthole DO, Advorton DO, Tickertown DO. There exist a rule limiting the number of guests on stage to 10, and also the same person can only enter stage once (meaning maximum one knighting per person per Court).

In the evening The Royal Chamber hosts a gala dinner in the castle to honor all new peers and knights, and their spouses are invited, too. The highest ranked guest will be seen as guest of honor.

And here are the candidates for the Royal Court of Year230:


- Baron Helfert Wizar de Gould (46) to be crowned the 5th Count of Ticktop

- Dominic Fyres (81), formerly Lord of Deadgrass and Dresden, Baron von Haunt - to be crowned the 1st Count von Dresden.

- Amalia Ellice Luxe-Hamper Hoffstar (29) to be crowned the 1st Baroness de Vert. 


- Duke Jarret of Rossie (60) will be knighted for The Highest Royal Order.

- Prince Royal Blaise (59) will be knighted for the High Order of the Golden Lion.

- Prince Ace Baron de Portefino (53) will be knighted for the Meadows District Order.


- Luna (V. Heimlich) de Cavaliere (39) shall be known as Duchess de Cavalier.

- Moira (Rattle) Fyres (76), formerly Lady von Dresden shall be known as Countess von Dresden.

- Lordship of Deadgrass goes extinct. Lordship von Dresden goes extinct. The County von Dresden is a new peerage replacing both the previous peerages. After this Dominic Fyres (81) holds the Dresden county and the Haunt barony.

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