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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Noble wedding - Baron of Verde & Miss Morgan Fyres

(Year 225) This Spring has been packed with events! The biggest is probably the announced wedding of Auphor Saxor, Baron of Verde and Miss Morgan Fyres from Windenburg. Auphor, who is the ex-Duke of Meadows, has decided to start a new house as he is still head of House of Saxor and one house can not hold multiple high nobility peerages. The new house is rumored to be House of Sax-Donnersmalt, a nod to his mother who was of House von Donnersmalt. 

Despite the age gap of 51 years (!) they both look so good together! Guests flocked to the Church of Similius in Gloomville this cloudy morning. 

A baron's wedding does normally not attract the masses like some duke weddings might do, but let's say that Auphor and Morgan got their fair share of cheers :)

Pictured above is the arrival of the Duke and Duchess de Cavalier (about to reach red carpet) and Baron and Baroness of Gloom, Bud and Rose von Kaching. Bud Gloom is Patron of this Church, but there were always a strong alliance between the baronies of Verde and Gloom. They are the only two high nobility baronies of Region 12.

About to enter the church door is Miss Siobhan "Joanna" Fyres, bride's sister. We got a few words with her before she entered:

- Miss Siobhan, you must be proud of your younger sister becoming the Baroness of Verde?
- Oh, you don't need to call me Miss, I'm just a Secretary! Yes we are all happy for her, and I think she found a good man!
- How about yourself? There were rumors of a fiancé but you are here alone?
- Yes, I am engaged! No more comments, sorry!

When all were seated the bride arrived!

A lovely white dress, shorter than expected but suiting a young bride well. Those earrings are a gift from the Baron. Makeup toned down as it suits a soon-to-be Baroness. No veil, but instead a tiara... oh, no! Is that the Poltimore tiara? Bad choice, bad choice indeed!

This tiara was brought to the barony of Verde back in year 143, and there were rumors that it had been stolen abroad during a war. Nobody dared to wear it at any wedding event, because it is said to bring bad luck - and here comes the BRIDE wearing the Poltimore!

Well, obviously neither the groom nor the bride have knowledge of the jewelries owned by the Verde Trust. They certainly should hire some consultant!

Church was pretty full, and the room was lovely decorated with red and pink flowers.

Many well known celebrities were spotted. It's said there will be only a small gathering for the closest family home at Yuma Heights afterwards. The residence is undergoing renovations and a more formal dinner party has to wait until Fall.

And then they were husband and wife! The tiara did at least not stop them this far! Morgan can now entitle herself Baroness of Verde, although she will not be formally instated until Investiture Day on first day of Winter. Then it is expected that Baron Auphor will also make her member of the Verde District Order.

Among the guests were Jarret Ross, Duke of Rossie and former Baron of Verde. The man in light suit is the newly re-discovered Merlin Edvard Heimlich, the Duke von Windenburg, who was assumed drowned 35 years ago. He certainly looks better after a hair cut!

Behind them we see Baroness and Baron of Gloom, and behind them again, Duchess and Duke de Cavalier.

This is Sarah H. Summerton, wife of Jurton Summerton who is Lord of Foxbury and a distant relative of the groom.

Finally, StrangerVille's Meredith Rossell looked to be rather moved by the ceremony. She normally go way too bold with her make-up, it's obvious that she used to be a commoner until she married to Ted Rossell, Lord of Acres, who is also a distant relative of the groom.

A formal wedding photo is expected to be taken this afternoon at Yuma Heights, but can of course not be publicized until later.

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