Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Tumblr trouble

So, I'm having major problems with Tumblr ever since the Weekend. That's already 3 days. I was expecting them to fix it come Monday, but no...

All I get is a blue screen, no nothing. If I follow the link from this blog I get to my tumblr blog, but can do nothing. Clicking the archive gives the blue screen again. Still with no info.

I tried going to tumblr.com for possible info posted there, but can't even make that work... blue screen.

I'm obviously no longer logged in, but with no log in button (or info) it's impossible to get access.

I liked my still kinda new Tumblr experience, but after this all I can think is that Tumblr is the least serious site I ever knew. They used to send me emails whenever I got a new follower etc, but informing me on male about such big problems (or changes?) seems to slip their mind.

So, in case you are a tumblr - this is why I no longer like, comment or post anything...

Added: I can now access a set up for advertising and privacy. Still with no explanation from Tumblr about the changes and why they had to do all changes without even a small warning to users in advance. I had a quick look at it, and it is a MASSIVE request to gain access to content on my computer not only for Tumblr, but also for their partners. Not a single word about "porn not allowed", but page after page of what info they will grab - all written in ways that are not meant to be understood by the common user. I can't even watch my own posts unless I give "the world of advertisers" broad access to "my entire life". At this point I simply do not trust Tumblr, or their intentions. They ask for more than should be required for providing better advertising. Which in the first place is against my wish, as I would much prefer ads showing me stuff I did not already know about, then it would have an educational side to it. So - for the moment I will not accept their claim, meaning my Tumblr account will no longer be active. Sorry, as I had so much I wanted to share.


  1. I tried leaving a comment here but think it disappeared. Thanks for giving an update. Sorry to hear you've had these experiences on tumblr! I've been feeling like posting the majority of my content somewhere other than tumblr too. Blogspot seems like a nice option to post personal sim content so perhaps this would be a good way to go.

    1. Hello! I miss Tumblr, but it's also a time thief, and so much work is put into poss that hardly anyone will see after the release day.

      Let me know if you get active on blogger, I want to add to my blog list (if it's not already there... did you not have a blog in the past, or were you always on tumblr?)

    2. Yes, Tumblr can be useful for posting simple things 'at a glance' but for showcasing big projects, it is not very helpful sadly, even when using tags.
      I haven't created anything serious on blogger so far, but will let you know if I have something worth sharing! My content has mostly been on tumblr and offline in the past.
      It's really nice that most of your sims 1-3 pages are still accessible. They are full of interesting ideas, especially the little articles like this one: http://www.hinsides.no/simmerville/articles/20021124-103-5HOFOSO.html

    3. Oh my, you read articles from 2002!!! :O Those were good times indeed! I had to read it, too, and then I laughed at the level of details, I now wonder if I made it all up (in the name of Joanna Grumblin) or what. I have no idea how to make jam in real life, LOL. Hopefully nobody tried that recipe in RL :) I also found the Food Expo festival interesting (had forgotten all about that), so cool that many other simmers contributed - most lectures (and some general articles on that site) aside of Mrs Grumblin were contributions from other real simmers. There was also the SUN network, or maybe that came on the TS2 site...

      I miss Mrs Grumblin and the other "experts" from my TS1 site. I do have plans for a new food expert in TS4, but she is still only a teen...

  2. poss = post

    And I think you started a residents listing here a year ago?
