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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Welcome to Dusty Turf Bazar

(Curent Year 224) One of the oldest lots in Oasis Springs is the Bazar at Dusty Turf. This was a busy trading arena from Year 42, and was drastically expanded when Landgraab Retail, Inc. formalized the trades in Year 172. Today it's still owned by Landgraab Retail, Inc. who also run half of the 6 stores, while the remaining are rented by others.

From the start only the front building existed, while the outdoor ground area was the main market with many stalls selling fresh produce or collectives from distant corners of SimNation. The field behind the bazar was used for trading farm animals. In Year 172 Landgraab Retail, Inc. built the 2 stories block, which today is the main part of this business. Come for a tour!

The build is a weird mix of architectural styles, still providing some of the original elements, like the gothic arches which was an influence from the many wars abroad. Baron Verde, who controlled Oasis Springs (Verde is the old name) was successful in the early Military career, also bringing home ideas and stolen goods. The Dusty Turf hood is very busy because it is the middle hood, and one of Region 12's biggest companies, Landgraab Science Lab (including the high school Landgraab Science Institute), is located across the street from the bazar.

Let's start the tour on ground level...

These two sales tables is all that reminds of the old market place. Pictured is Ona Rosewood, who resides nearby, selling some of her flowers and seeds. Behind her we see the Bazar Grocery (left) and the Donnersmalt Liquors (right). The centered display is frequently modified, and right now it shows off a few new items for knitters ;)

There is a reason why I show you the Dusty Turf Bazar on this day, and not next week...

Auphor (Saxor) Sax-Donnersmalt was recently crowned the new Baron of Verde, and by that he also became sole owner of the Verde Trust which owns the Donnersmalt Liquors. That is, they own the business, but rents the store from Landgraab Retail, Inc.  The liquor store is one of this district's oldest businesses, initiated by a former Baron of Verde.

So, tonight, Malcolm Landgraab and wife Aili met with Baron Verde to discuss the essentials of the future rental. Malcolm is Lord Cacti, and this is in fact the hood that connects to his title. He recently tried to grab the Barony of Verde - then he would be correctly positioned peerage wise, as he resides in the Verde hood - but also climb to a higher nobility level.

Oh, and the random woman to the right must be Ms Morgan Fyres, from Dresden in Windenburg. She is very interested in nectar these days ;)

Here is the Bazar Grocery store, mainly selling farm products. In the background you see the liquor store.

Some shelves are empty, as it turned out only nectar made by the lot owner could be set to sale, so these shelves will be filled eventually. Each district has their specialities, and Auphor will most likely work to have them deliver some of their produce to this store.

Let's check out the 3 businesses upstairs!

This is Needle & Thread, another rental store. The current owner sell yarn and sewing machines, and a lot more stuff intended for crafting. There is also a couple living chairs for customers to sit down and knit.

This is Bazar Flora, another rented store. I noticed the Florist will need more light back there in the working section... Most products sold in the store are regular retail. The owner craft flower arrangements for special events and the top notch private market, with private delivery.

Outside Needle & Thread (left) and the Bazar Flora (far distance) is the plaza with outdoor serving that connects to the Bazar Café, located behind those old arches.

The café is run by the lot owner, and is very popular among locals as well as tourists. It looks like Auphor Saxor, Malcolm Landgraab and Aili (von Kaching) Landgraab found their way up here to seal whatever deal they made with a glass of sparkling nectar. Need to fix the lighting here, those nice table candles turn out to be décor items and not real lamps... 

The 6th store is currently closed, but operated by Landgraab Retail, Inc. and this far they just filled it with the latest furniture (from latest pack addition). I was planning a Real Estate business, but that 6th store will be too large. Perhaps an indoor flea market, but those changes won't come anytime soon.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this quick tour! There will be more about the Donnersmalt Liquor store later, and this place will probably be one of the locations in the upcoming season of As Sims Go By, which will focus on my take on one of the mysteries of the Landgraabs ;)

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