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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Sims by numbers - Report day 20 - Winner announced

It's the final day in the Sims by Numbers Show house! Tonight we'll know who wins the grand prize of this place plus founding my TS4 legacy, Gloomville Diaries. This report contains more pictures than ever, so I'll try keeping the text to a minimum. Enjoy the read and please drop a comment. I did not expect the ending to be this exciting!

Fiona and Ochana discuss something this morning. I think many of the top contenders are aware that one more good contact might make a huge difference when we get to the Friendly Points Gifting at 9 PM.

9 AM - Morning meeting
Super Sim Quatore welcomes everyone to the very last meeting. Everyone is more quiet than usual.

The following sessions today can affect the score:

During this meeting, emptying pockets. Selling stuff will add 50% of the value as points, and 50% will be added to the common account, which will be won at the Grand Contest starting in just 2 hours.

10 AM Ordinary chores will not earn points today, so they will probably not affect the scores either. Super Sim already dug up 1 Pyrite metal before this meeting, it's now in his pocket and will be sold during the meeting.

11 AM - Grand Contest! The common account balance is up for grab, and winner takes all! 1 Simoleon gives 1 point. The contest works like a 3 step cup where each fight is between two contestants.

Step 1 - paining and wood crafting:
2+2 contenders having zero painting skills, will paint 1 small piece. From each couple, one contender will pass on to step 2.
2+2 contenders having zero handiness skills, will craft 1 wooden knife block. From each couple, one contender will pass on to step 2.
If equal results, coin will decide.

Step 2 - Future Cube:
2+2 contenders will use the Future Cube, one by one. The most satisfied expression will win, and contestant pass on to step 3.

Step 3 - game of cards:
The 2 remaining contestants will play a game of cards. The one winning (or not leaving the table) will win the Grand Contest and earn the common account balance!

6 PM - Giftng points - each contestant will hand over 100 points to her/his best relation in the house. If a tie of 2, they get 50 points each.

Quatore also informs them about the big prize for the final winner of the show. There was rumours that the winner will only get the lot with no house, but it has been confirmed that the winner also gets the house! However, of tax reasons the total value must be limited to §40.000, whatever that means. There will also be some legacy contract involved.

Now for the last round of selling items from our pockets!

Ona: 3070 points. 1 Alabaster crystal (§50), 1 Treasure Map (§80). §65 added to common account. New score: 3135= points.

Ochana: 3040 points. Empty pocket. New score: 3040 points. 

Toby: 2508 points. 1 Tobor doll (§75), 1 Large Realism Painting (§679), 1 Medium Surrealism Painting (§216), 1 Medium Pop Art Painting (§78). Tobor doll (§75) and Large Realism Painting (§679) sold, paintings §216 and §78 can not be sold, but Toby can keep them. Of the total sale §754 50%=§377 is added to the common account. New score: 2885 points.

Fiona: 2502 points. 20 Snapdragons (§80), 25 Wildroses (§100). Adds §90 to common account. New score: 2592 points.  

Fabian: 1528 points. 1 Prehistoric Rock (§15). Added to common account §7. New score: 1536 points. 

Quatore: 1370 points. 1 Rose crystal (§50), 1 Pyrite Metal (§30). Added to common account §40. New score: 1410 points.

Sissela: 1203 points. 1 Tetra (§7). Adds §3 to common account. New score: 1207 points.

Otto: 787 points. 1 Dr.F doll (§35). Adds §17 to common account. New score: 805 points. 

Although many points were added, the rank is unchanged.

Ochana confirms that the common account balance is currently §599. It means the Grand Contest winner will add 599 points to his/her score!

Today's schedule:
10 AM - Chores & Skills (chores only if needed)
11 AM - Grand Contest begins
9 PM - Friendly points Gifting + Winner announced
11 PM - We love our Plumbob green or red! Piza Party!

Last morning meeting ends.

10 AM - Chores & Skills
Nothing needs fixing, nothing needs cleaning, nothing needs harvesting. Fiona and Fabian decides not to weed, because they won't be rewarded anyway. Sissela would like to fish, but it's wiser to be prepared for the upcoming Grand Contest in just 1 hour.

11 AM - Grand Contest (step 1 - painting/wood crafting)
The simple, but yet a tad complicated, contest is about to start!

It seems like some of them did not prepare that well...

No no, Ochana, don't bring your food! You can't paint while eating, or can you?

Are we ready? It doesn't matter who finishes first, it's the result value that counts.

It's a bit strange that none of the males have handiness skills, and none of the women have painting skills, but it makes it very easy to organize as there are exactly 4 for each activity - it gets totally fair!

Painting small Classic Painting: Ona vs Fiona and Ochana vs Sissela.

Crafting wooden Knife Block: Quatore vs Fabian and Toby vs Otto.

1:15 PM all the 8 have completed their task.

Let's check the value of the paintings first.

Ona's painting is worth §87, Fiona's painting is worth §81. Ona is ready for step 2!

Ochana's painting is worth §81 and Sissela's painting is worth §72. Ochana is ready for step 2!

Now let's check the wooden Knife Blocks!

Quatore's Knif Block is successful and worth §10, Fabian's Knife Block is a failure worth §5. Quatore is ready for step 2!

Toby's Knife Block is a failure worth §5, Otto's Knife Block is a failure worth §5. They need to flip a coin, and it favours Toby, who is ready for step 2!

Step 2 (Future Cube) starts in the library at 3 PM sharp. Contestants can take care of their needs while waiting.

3 PM - Grand Contest continues - step 2 (Future Cube)
3 PM all 8 are gathered in the library. Fiona, Sissela, Fabian and Otto are all out of the Grand Contest, and are seated to witness the other 4 fight it out with the Future Cube! The most satisfied expression gives a win, and again they will fight 2 and 2. Ona vs Quatore and Ochana vs Toby.

Ona is first to ask a question to Future Cube, and...

... Ona cries out with disappointment!
- Don't be daft. Of course not.

Will Quatore be more satisfied with his answer?

He sure is!
- That's not important, What's important is that you're a champion. Stay strong champion!

This means that Ona is out, and Quatore has passed to step 3 - game of cards!

Next couple is Ochana vs Toby. Ochana first... (see pictures below)
She sure looks happy!
- Things look so very, very hopeless. Oh well!

Now for Toby, can he beat Ochana's reaction?
Yes! Toby is satisfied with the answer!
- It is decidedly so.

There's a tie between Ochana and Toby, and because the Future Cube is more fun than a coin, we'll let them go for one extra round (2nd row in the picture below)!

Ochana... ask your question...
Yes, it's a positive reaction again!
- That's not important, What's important is that you're a champion. Stay strong champion!

Now, Toby, you will need a positive reaction, too!
Ha! Yes, it's all the same, the two equals again.
- That's not important, What's important is that you're a champion. Stay strong champion!

There is still a tie between Ochana and Toby, we'll let them have one final go with the Future Cube. If they still equal, it will be coin to decide.

Ochana asks her thrird question - can it be positive again?

Well, that expression sure is't positive, but not as negative as Ona's reaction, though.
- Stuck in Future Cube factory. Can't get out. Please send help.

Now Toby, if you can give a positive reaction, you will win this battle!

Toby ia about to pee himself and his plumbob is bright red, but he still got a positive reaction!
- Things look so very, very hopeless. Oh well!

Toby meets Quatore for step 3 - game of cards - at 8 PM!

First there will be a break, then the final Friendly Points Gifting session starts at 9 PM and then we'll have a final winner, yay!

Hm, looks like there will be a toilet queue!

When we've got the final result, a grand winner of the Sims by Numbers Show, the group will relax with some pizza. Tomorrow night there will be a real party for all at Captain Blue Nightclub. The nightclub was originally planned for today, but they all stink and I don't think it will be as fun to squeeze in a celebration away from home, tonight, just to see them all fall asleep.

8 PM - Grand Contest step 3 - game of cards
Finally, Quatore and Toby are ready to fight it out over a game of cards. Rule is simple, the one winning the game (or not leaving during the game) can add 599 points to his score! That's the balance of their common account converted to points 1:1. It won't help Quatore winning the big prize though, but Toby might be in with a chance, especially if he has got a good number of friends gifting him!

The contestant with the lowest score of the two, Quatore, will initiate the game of cards.

The other 6 are seated to witness the match. Hopefully it will not drag out too much, they are all hungry by now...

It's 8:35 PM. If the game lasts 1 hour, we'll soon have a winner! It's quiet as Quatore and Toby play their cards.

Fabian stinks, and has left to take a bath (although free will is off during this session).

Thinking of it, these two are the only contestants who played a game of cards in the past. Must be a coincidence!

Then Quatore raises his hand - he wins this game! He earns himself 599 additional points!

And Toby's chances dropped.

9 PM - Friendly points gifting
Now for the very last chance to grab a good chunk of points! Each of the 8 contestants will hand over 100 points to the one contestant s/he likes the best. If there is a tie the 100 points will be split.

Before this final session, let's have a quick look at the current score:

1. Ona 3135 points
2. Ochana 3040 points
3. Toby 2885 points
4. Fiona 2592 points
5. Quatore 2009 points
6. Fabian 1536 points
7. Sissela 1207 points
8. Otto 810 points.

Super Sim Quatore ranks first and will start. Loser Toby ranks last and will give the final points.

We'll pretend they write the name of the one they like best on a piece of paper, and somehow squeeze it into this box :) They walk by one by one...

Quatore has a positive relation to Ochana, Toby and Otto, but Otto is a little behind the other two. Ochana 50 points. Toby 50 points.

Ona has a positive relation to her rommate Ochana and Otto. The relation to Ochana is way stronger. Ochana 100 points.

Ochana has a positive relation to Ona, Quatore, Toby and Fabian, and just a tiny relation to Fiona. The relation to rommate Ona is superior; Ona 100 points.

Fiona has a very weak relation to Ochana. It's hardly significant, but still, Ochana 100 points.

After half the friendly votes, the scores are the following (100 points was taken from all 8):

Ochana: 250. New score: 3190 points.
Ona: 100. New score: 3135 points.
Toby: 50. New score: 2835 points.
Fiona: 0. New score: 2492 points.

Ochana is in the lead, just 55 points ahead of Ona! It's still not decided!

Fabian has one clearly positive relation to Ochana, and just about made contact with Sissela. Ochana 100 points.

Sissela has a hardly significant positive relation to Ona and Toby, and even smaller to Fabian. Ona 50 points, Toby 50 points.

Ochana: 100. New score: 3290 points.
Ona: 50. New score: 3185 points.
Toby: 50. New score: 2885 points.
Fiona: 0. New score: 2492 points.

Ochana has increased her lead, she is now 105 points ahead of Ona. All we know is that the winner is either Ochana or Ona, both have already given their votes and can gain points from both Otto and Toby... wow...

Otto has a positive relation to Ona, Quatore and just about to Toby. The relation to Ona is clearly the strongest, Ona 100 points!

This means Ochanas lead is reduced to only 5 points! Ha ha, I don't believe how close this is! Tony lost to the ladies, but at least he will proudly decide the grand winner! Drums!

Toby has positive relations to Ochana, Quatore and hardly significant to Otto and Sissela. The relations to Ochana and Quatore seems equally strong; Ochana 50 points, Quatore 50 points.

We have a Sims by Numbers Show winner!!! Ochana Mox beats Ona with only 55 points, and this is the final result!

Ochana Mox, currently in her sleep wear, has won this house worth §40.000 and will be the founder of my TS4 legacy called Gloomville Diaries! Yay!

Final scores can be seen in the Summing it up section below. Ochana won with only 55 points, it could hardly be more exciting! Phew!

Now the group will get a few minutes to take a shower and dress for a pizza party in the dining room. Quatore ordered the food although he is no longer a Super Sim, but then again, Fabian no longer has the Chef chore either - they are free :). There will also be some surprise entertainment! Tomorrow night there will be a public celebration at Captain Blue Nightclub!

This show has formally ended, but we'll just have a final word from each of them while they enjoy some pizza.

- Get seated guys! As long as I get the green chair, you can sit wherever you like! I'm winner, after all!

- I want to thank each of you for some great time - here in my house! Ha! You guys will leave, and I will stay, it's strange and I'm gonna miss you! If you stay around Gloomville please stop by, but please don't hand over any more of your points, because I won't need them! Ha ha!

- Congratulations, Ochana! It must have been deserved, you was hanging up there in the top 3 all the time! Me? I might settle in the region, and I can't wait to talk to locals without focusing on that my number is 4! Ha ha!

- Congratulations, roommate! For a second I thought it was gonna be me, but no, you got it all! Like you can see, I chose the red loser chair, because that's how I feel right now, although 2nd is pretty good, too.

- What can I say, I'm finally free to play the Violin as often as I want! And, my friends, if the show  management allows it, I'd like each of you to take one of my paintings with you. Unfortunately I can't offer you a dino stencil, even if you would prefer one of those, ha ha!

- Thanks everyone! It's been fun, and althoug I hate to admit it, I'm sad to leave! These 20 days gave me a strange wish to run my own hostel! Seeing how well we did together, most of us, I think it will work running such a place. If any of you need a place to stay, well most of you, let me know! I just need to find a cheap place, first, ha ha!

- I take the point, Fiona! No hard feelings though, we're no longer roommates. And good luck with your hostel, you know I'm a loner, so I think I'll rather find some silent hideaway at Oasis Springs.
And, I must admit, I'm thrilled to sit this close to that green chair, it's a first for me! Ha ha!

- You ladies were great, of course, but all I can think of now is to check out the local beauties at Captain Blue Nightclub! Don't get surprised if you find me tending the bar tomorrow night! Now that I'm no longer tied to this show, I'm sure it will be much easier for them to grab for me! Fiona, I might need a bed at your place while I sort the offers from those girls.

Pizza party ends. Like all pizza parties tend to do. But Ochana had received a small note telling her to walk outside to arrange for a fun moment before they all leave.

All 8 contestants on the Sims by Numbers Show were created and dressed up according to their personal number. Ochana's number is 8 and even her name is based on the Spanish Ocho. All of them were created and styled in the CAS Demo, and we know there was some changes to the order of options in the full CAS version.

So here's a typical female number 8 outfit according to the full version :) Still tasteless, or maybe just personified? Would your impression of Ochana be the same if she wore those clothes?

Most of them had weird outfits, really, but in a way I learned to like these 8, just the way they were :)

- That's all for the fashion show, ladies and gentlemen! I guess we will all flock to the clothing store first thing in the morning? Yawn, I'm rather exhausted now, so I think I need to go to bed. I assume you will all leave, and we'll meet again tomorrow night at Captain Blue Nightclub!

Well, you got just one detail wrong there, Ochana, you will leave the house, too! Someone needs to prepare some adjustments for tomorrow! Single rooms are waiting for all 8 at Hotel Shady Perl in town.

 A Limo will take Ochana back to Willow Field tomorrow at 10 AM. That will make the start of my legacy story called Gloomville Diaries!

Each of the eight was allowed to take one of Toby's paintings, as well as one of those dolls they all collected. It's always good to bring a few memories, wherever you settle ;)

Summing it up - day 20
Super Sim: Quatore
Loser:  Toby
Events: Grand Contest, winner announced, Pizza Party

Not much changed.

Toby: 25 total (Painting 7, Violin 3, Mischief 3, Video gaming 3, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Handiness 1, Charisma 1, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1)
Sissela: 24 total (Fishing 5, Video gaming 5, Mischief 3, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Handiness 1, Painting 1, Fitness 1, Programming 1, Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Ona: 24 total (Handiness 6, Fitness 4,  Video gaming 4,  Comedy 4, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Charisma 1, Painting 1, Gardening 1) 
Fabian: 23 total (Gardening 5, Cooking 5, Video gaming 4,  Mischief 2, Comedy 2, Handiness 1, Fitness 1, Gourmet cooking 1, Charisma 1, Logic 1)
Ochana: 22 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 3,  Video gaming 3, Logic 3, Gardening 2, Cooking 2, Mischief 2, Painting 1, Fitness 1, Handiness 1, Fishing 1)
Fiona: 22 total (Gardening 5, Violin 3, Mischief 3, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Painting 1, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Video gaming 1, Handiness 1, Charisma 1, Fishing 1)
Otto: 22 total (Video gaming 3, Comedy 3, Mixology 3, Mischief 3, Charisma 2, Cooking 2, Handiness 1, Logic 1, Piano 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1, Guitar 1)
Quatore: 20 total (Video gaming 5, Cooking 3, Logic 3, Comedy 2, Mischief 1, Fitness 1, Fishing 1, Charisma 1, Gardening 1, Handiness 1, Violin 1)

Standing score and chores:
1. Ochana: 3340 points, Accountant
2. Ona: 3285 points, Repairman
3. Toby: 2885 points, Painter
4. Fiona: 2492 points, Gardener
5. Fabian: 1436 points, Chef
6. Quatore: 1959 points, Cleaner
7. Sissela: 1107 points, Angler
8. Otto: 710 points, Party Fixer

Common account: §0

Gloomville Diaries - my new TS4 legacy starts tomorrow

My TS4 legacy will take place in Gloomville, and the founder is about to be selected in the Sims by Numbers Show on the official TS4 forum. The legacy will be a relaxed family based story including a few stories from the Gloomville's past. There is now a legacy contract with detailed rules, but they are exclusive for the Gloomville Diaries legacy, so there might be some fine tuning.

The family will have certain missions that each generation must complete, and a few traditions that brings them all together. The legacy family will even have a back-up family residing at Oasis Springs :)

More about the Legacy Founder and those missions later. Now get ready for a brief tour of the Gloomville families. Some of them will interact with the stories.

Gloomville (technically based on Willow Creek) is a small town not far from the coast, 24 hrs west of SimCity, 41 hrs north of Galucca and 54 hrs south of Bridgeport. By polished car on dusty countryside roads, that is. Gloomville was established on my Year Count 80 (that equals to year 1894) and is still a pretty small town. It all started with timber industry, followed by some farming with Willow Farm giving the better produce. Nowadays the locals seem to do all kinds of things for a living.

To avoid one super long post, there will be one post for each hood; Upperton, Willow Field and Muggerdale.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Sims by Numbers - Report day 19 - Satisfaction points

It's day 19 and when the 8 contestants go to bed tonight, there will be just 1 more day to go! I can't believe how quickly the Sims by Numbers Show went, but it also was lots more time consuming than I expected, so it will feel very good ending this to start the Gloomville Diaries!

Today will be packed with events and surprises. It looks to be a good day for Ona. She is today's Super Sim, and this morning she was playing away a few hours in the library.

9 AM - Morning meeting
Ona welcomed everyone to the meeting, stating that she is today's Super Sim, and Otto, over there, is today's Loser. At 4 PM the huge event will take place, as each contestant's Satisfaction Score (also referred to as Reward points in these reports) will be added to the points. More on that at 4 PM.

Yesterday everyone's pockets were emptied at the morning meeting, and today and tomorrow on day 20, items can be sold for points only at the morning meeting. If you forget to bring your items, bad for you. You get only 50% of the value, and the other half is added to the common account.

And here's some new info... on day 20 there will be some Grand Contest, and the winner gets all the common account - Simoleons converted to points!

Ochana explains that the balance is only §62 right now, but will increase before that contest.

Now to the pockets! Anyone finding or creating something must wait to sell until these meetings, or there will be no points registered. Morning meeting on day 20 will be the last chance to sell anything.

Ochana: 2325 points. Empty pockets. New score: 2325 points.

Toby: 2241 points. 1 Surrealism Painting (§433), 1 Surrealism Painting (§216), 1 Pop Art Painting (§78), 1 treasure map (§80). Toby can only sell 1 painting per day, so today he sells 1 Surrealism §433, and earns 217 points. The common account gets the other 50% of the original value, §216. New score: 2458.

Ona: 2195 points. 1 treasure map (§80), that she wants to keep for the upcoming Super Sim digging. New score: 2195 points.

Fiona: 2177 points. Empty pockets. New score: 2177 points. 

Quatore: 665 points. Empty pockets. New score: 665 points.

Fabian: 543 points. 10 Snapdragon (§40), 40 Mushrooms (§50), 30 Onion (§130). §110 to common account. New score: 653 points.

Sissela: 378 points. Empty pockets. New score: 378 points.

Otto: 322 points. 10 Spinach (§10). §5 to common account. New score: 327 points.

It will certainly be one exciting day, Ochana just lost the lead to Toby, Ona will dig up some treasure and Toby might find some extra value at the boys' scavenger hunt, thanks to his treasure map...

- And here's today's schedule!

10 AM - Chores & Skills
11 AM - Boys' Scavenger Hunt at Upperton hood
12 AM - Girls' Interviews
1 PM - Lunch wherever they are
4 PM - Satisfaction Score tallied
7 PM - Dinner
11 PM - Moods & Scores

Meeting ends.

10 AM - Chores & Skills
With her treasure map, Ona hopes to dig up something a little more valuable than those common dolls. But no... the map had no effect, Ona digs up some Alabaster crystal worth 50 points, and she still has the map in her pocket. Maybe the map is not meant for the ordinary dig sites?

The 8 contestants go to their chores as usual, but because the session will last only about 60 minutes, and there won't be much to gain point wise anyway, some are taking easy on their task today. Ona has nothing to repair, so she walks upstairs to box a little. Ochana checks the mailbox (empty), and chooses to play "Sims Forever" on the library computer. Toby is in doubt whether he should spend 75 points on starting a new Surrealism Painting, he already has one painting that will secure him 108 points tomorrow, but with some luck he might paint a better painting, although his emotion is nothing special. Quatore has nothing to clean, so he decides to study cooking. Fiona runs to the garden to harvest as much as possible, but there are only a few flowers, so she will water instead, hoping there will be a final chance to harvest something tomorrow. Fabian tends the kitchen garden (no harvestables there either). Sissela runs off to catch a fish or two, with some luck there might be another Salmon. Otto doesn't feel like wasting 60 minutes bar tending while everyone is busy with their chores or skills, so he reads a book about Charisma instead.

It's so great they actually place the book on the table, instead of just holding them in their hands... But why does Quatore choose to read in the dining room, when the book was picked up in the library?

Sissela caught a fish...

11 AM - Scavenger hunt for the boys
They travel to Upperton hood. The girls emptied Gloom Garden yesterday, and although the idea was to send the boys to Desert Bloom of Oasis Springs, it turns out a hood/lot needs to be actively played for a while for dig sites and harvestables to spawn.

There are currently 3 households to focus on here at Upperton hood. The group already visited the Crumpleton family (house to the left, originally the Goths' residense), the Bootwig family can be seen straight ahead next to Upperton Fair that they visited the other day, and finally, the von Kaching family resides the house that can just about be seen to the right in this overview picture.

Toby has a treasure map in his pocket, and he ranks first, so he runs over to the first dig site he sees. It turns out he must choose a specific "dig for treasure" option to benefit from the map, I think Ona missed that pie menu option this morning.

Toby digs up a mysterious time capsule, then he opens it to find a rare doll worth 75 points! Hm, he was somehow expecting something more... Toby can also fulfill one whim, his number is 2, so it's obviously whim number 2: "Become friends with Sissela". Well, that can't be done here and now...

Quatore is next. He digs up a Rose crystal, worth 50.  Whim number 2 (4-2=2) is becoming friends with Ochana, which can't be done without traveling.

Fabian digs up a fossil rock, and extracting it results in a common Prehistoric Rock, worth only 15. Fabian is quite disappointed. His number is 5 and his whim number 1 (5-2-2=1) is "Insult Quatore!" Now we speak, Quatore is right here! So, Fabian keeps telling mean stuff to Quatore, it's quite hilarious as it seems like Quatore is rather surprised by this all.

Now, for the last, Otto will dig up something. Hi finds a mysterious time capsule, and opening it reveals some uncommon doll worth 35. Not the bigger treasure, but still some points for Otto, who currently has the lowest score of them all. His whim number 2 (8-2-2-2=2) is: Start a new career. Sorry, that is not possible right now!

12 AM - Girls' Interviews
While the boys are gone hunting, it's time to have a quick talk with each of the girls!

- Ochana Mox, you are a favourite to the win. Are you nervous?
- Yes, this is going to be a thriller! I would rather have an early win instead of this last minute thing.
- How did you like being part of the Sims by Numbers Show?
- It's been good, although my chore doesn't earn my any points, I was lucky to get the Sim in Spot's Romance day. And I was very lucky with my rommate. All fine!
- The winner get's this place and will found a family here. What's your take on that?
- Don't know... the house is big for just a couple. Maybe parts can be rented by others?...
- What will your life look like 10 years from now if you settle here?
- Uhm, I will definitely share this place with a handsome man, maybe a child too. Or a garden gnome, even. I might work in Entertainment, might give weekly shows at Captain Blue Nightclub... and yes, this house will be painted pink!

- Ona Rosewood, you are currently ranked 3rd, would you like to win?
- Of course I'm in for a win, but let's see today and tomorrow. It might be too hard beating Ochana and Toby.
- How did you like being part of the Sims by Numbers Show?
- I liked it here. I missed spending more time at the gym, but repairing stuff was a lot more fun than I expected. I missed having a regular job though.
- The winner get's this place and will found a family here. What's your take on that?
- I could like to live here, sure! Like the others I don't have any money though, so question is whether I can afford staying here...
- What will your life look like 10 years from now if you settle here?
- If I win and if I get a well paid job allowing me to stay here, I'll build up my own private gym in the house. Probably in the library, as I don't read much. And I'll marry a body focused man, maybe we could also grow some ecological food. And well, one child - if he insists?

- Fiona Robberton, you are neither top 3 nor bottom 3. Still in with a hope?
- I don't know. In the beginning, when I saw the lovely garden produce, I thought I could win the whole thing. But lately I know it's way too hard work out there, and not enough points. Being exhausted gave me the Loser title more often than anyone else, you know! I think Sissela would have deserved the Loser title more than me!
- How did you like being part of the Sims by Numbers Show?
- I love gardening, but I can't forget that I lost the Chef chore to Fabian. Bad for me. And I must say the room I got is horrible! Why did Ona and Ochana get a much bigger bathroom? And why did they have to place a Loner in my room?
- The winner get's this place and will found a family here. What's your take on that?
- I wouldn't mind living here... I think I would adjust some parts of the house though, keeping the hobby room of course, giving room for a greenhouse in the garden...
- What will your life look like 10 years from now if you settle here?
- Oh... maybe I had a successful culinary career, and maybe I opened a home based restaurant? With a nice hubby, and 2 or 3 kids. And perhaps a cat. Forget the cat, I'd prefer a chicken coop!

- Sissela Morck, you are currently bottom 3. Are you fine with that?
- Ha, you are too nice, I've been bottom 2 for most of the time here. I'm fine with it, I don't fit in anyway. I'm realistic and I don't deny the truth.
- How did you like being part of the Sims by Numbers Show?
- I learned to appreciate my chore. Fishing is quality time, I like being alone. Worst part was to share a room with someone.
- The winner get's this place and will found a family here. What's your take on that?
- I'm not going to win this place. Hoping the winner will get a happy life here!
- What will your life look like 10 years from now if you settle here?
- You mean if I get 2000 points during the next 24 hours? Ha! Well, I'm too much of a realist to even understand your question.

A little later, Fabian and Ochana are having a pleasant conversation in the kitchen.

I wonder if they are thinking about tomorrow's gifting, where each of them will give 100 points to the household member he or she likes the most. Being popular tomorrow might make a difference...

4 PM - Satisfaction Score (previously referred to as Reward points)
This session is something they all look forward to. Partly because they never quite understood the meaning of Satisfaction Score (or Reward Points), and of course because they understand that this session might be the last one to really turn the ranking upside down.

It's said that they all have some Satisfaction Score, spanning from about 400 to about 800. 400 points might be enough for anyone in top 4 to actually take the lead! Satisfaction Score will will not make much of a difference to bottom 4, though, as there are 1414 points between number 4 (Fiona) and number 5 (Fabian).

The girls are nervous...

So are the guys.

None of them understand the aspiration and whims, and that they were technically rewarded for following their personal wants for all these 19 days. But now it's time to add those points to the Sims by Numbers Show score! The ratio is 1:1.

Super Sim Ona feels some responsibility to bring this session on, and she also got some info in an envelope.

- Let's get this over with!

We'll do this by today's rank, regardless of Super Sim and Loser.

It turns out that the highest Satisfaction Scores were earned by Fabian (875), Ona (875) and Sissela (825), and The lowest by Fiona (325), Toby (425) and Otto (460).

Ochana: 2325 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 715. New score: 3040 points.

Toby: 2383 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 425. New score: 2808 points.

Ona: 2195 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 875. New score: 3070 points.

Fiona: 2177 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 325. New score: 2502 points. 

Quatore: 665 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 505.  New score: 1170 points.

Fabian: 653 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 875.  New score: 1528 points.

Sissela: 378 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 825.  New score: 1203 points.

Otto: 327 points. Adding Satisfaction score of 460.  New score: 787 points.

There is a new lead! Ona beats Ochana with 30 points, while Toby and Fiona are 3rd and 4th.

Not everyone were happy with the extra points.

Fiona did poorly, while Sissela actually did very well, the gap to the lead is just too big to fill.

Also Toby is not happy with his poor satisfaction score. He tells his best friend, the huge teddy toy...

- I though I had the win in my hand, you know, but then it all went downhill...

In the library Ochana is trolling the forums. She is very excited, she might actually win, it's hard to focus on anything right now.

She thought Toby would run away with the win, but now she is really up for it again, Ona is the only one who can ruin it all.

Also in the library, Quatore thought it was too chilly outside, so he decided to eat his hot dog here. There is no longer any way Quatore can win, and well, he can live elsewhere, maybe at Muggerdale?

I'm not sure whether the teddy toy chat did it, but Toby is now feeling very inspired and walks upstairs to start a large Realism Painting!

Oh well, I hesitated to instruct him to complete the Confident Painting he has already started on the terrace, because painting is his Chore, and he shouldn't be directed to paint unless it's chores hours. But starting by freewill is something else, and it even costs him 100 points to get it started... might actually spoil his chances to win, unless there's a masterpiece coming up. I don't think this was a smart move at all...

Ona and Otto, currently ranking first and last, eat hot dogs on the terrace. They disagree about most things, but that tomorrow will be one exciting day, is not even worth a discussion.

11 PM - Moods & Scores
This is the very last plumbob check! Super Sim for day 20 will reign only until the final party at 6 PM.

There are several green plumbobs in the house tonight! Sissela, Ochana and Quatore are green, and the healthiest plumbob belongs to Quatore! Quatore is tomorrow's Super Sim, and he becomes the very last so!

- Congratulations! You chaired the very first Morning meeting, and tomorrow you will lead the very last!

- Thank you! Yes, I can pretend that I managed them all, can't I. But the win will go to someone else.

- You are a family man, was it hard to spend all this time without a family?

- Yes. I thought I would see this crowd as my family, but it's just not the same.

There is no red plumbob tonight, and only one orange. Toby completed his Inspired painting, but drained his energies, so now he has the worst mood, and is tomorrow's Loser. The very last one. He will hand over 200 points to Super Sim Quatore unless he fulfills the midnight challenge within 60 minutes! It's the show's very last midnight challenge!

Toby's number is 2, and this is day 19, giving the number 2+19=21. There are still only 9 alternative challenges, and Toby gets to try challenge number 21-9-9=3. (All the 9 alternatives are listed on the show's thread on the official TS4 forum, see far down on page 1).
3. Walk outside in the street and hug someone!

Well, this might work, unless he falls asleep out there, like Quatore did the other night.

But no. Nobody walks by, Toby gets no chance at all to fulfill this challenge. So, here goes 200 points from Loser Toby to Super Sim Quatore!

Wow, this will be exciting to the very last minute, it seems! Only one more day to go, and although there will be points involved tomorrow, too, the day must be shorter to give room for some closing festivities after dinner. I had not really seen Ona Rosewood as a possible legacy founder, but at the moment she might very well be the one! Only 30 points separate Ona and Ochana, in other words they can both win. Toby is less likely to win now that he both spent 100 points on a new painting, and handed 200 points over to Quatore. He is 500 points behind top 2. It would have been worse though, if he had to hand those points over to either Ona or Ochana. Fiona and Fabian might surprise tomorrow with a good harvest in the morning, but I don't think that will be enough to reach the top, and besides - there is no chores hours before the meeting, so they would need to go harvesting by freewill.

Sissela currently ranks 7th, while Otto is 8th.

Summing it up - day 19
Super Sim: Ona
Loser:  Otto
Events: Scavenger hunt, Interviews, Satisfaction score added.

Not much changed. It's a bit funny that the only "good friend" relation in the house is between Toby and the huge teddy toy.

Toby: 24 total (Painting 7, Violin 3, Mischief 3, Video gaming 3, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Charisma 1, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1)
Sissela: 23 total (Fishing 5, Video gaming 5, Mischief 3, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Handiness 1, Fitness 1, Programming 1, Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Fabian: 22 total (Gardening 5, Cooking 5, Video gaming 4,  Mischief 2, Comedy 2, Fitness 1, Gourmet cooking 1, Charisma 1, Logic 1)
Ona: 22 total (Handiness 6, Fitness 4,  Video gaming 4, Comedy 3, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Ochana: 21 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 3,  Video gaming 3, Logic 3, Gardening 2, Cooking 2, Mischief 2, Fitness 1, Handiness 1, Fishing 1)
Fiona: 21 total (Gardening 5, Violin 3, Mischief 3, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Video gaming 1, Handiness 1, Charisma 1, Fishing 1)
Otto: 20 total (Video gaming 3, Comedy 3, Mixology 3, Charisma 2, Mischief 2, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Piano 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1, Guitar 1)
Quatore: 18 total (Video gaming 4, Cooking 3, Logic 3, Comedy 2, Mischief 1, Fitness 1, Fishing 1, Charisma 1, Gardening 1, Violin 1)

Standing score and chores:
Ona has a surprise lead, only 30 points ahead of Ochana! Toby is falling back.

1. Ona: 3070 points, Repairman
2. Ochana: 3040 points, Accountant
3. Toby: 2508 points, Painter
4. Fiona: 2502 points, Gardener
5. Fabian: 1528 points, Chef
6. Quatore: 1370 points, Cleaner
7. Sissela: 1203 points, Angler
8. Otto: 787 points, Party Fixer

Common account: §278