This night was quite busy at the Sims by Numbers house. Not that much happened, but several of the contestants got up extremely early, like 3 AM.
Fabian, Fiona, Otto and Quatore debates something in the kitchen. Otto even standing more or less in dirty dishes.
Then Quatore is seen playing chess alone. He probably won the game...
In the kitchen Ochana tries to wake up and get herself some breakfast while Ona seems fully recharged and hyper talkative :) They are roommates and got a pretty good relation.
In the Fun room we find OOtto nd Toby. It actually looks like they would prefer to be alone, LOL, but I think Toby did this feminine hand movement because they were watching a romantic movie on TV.
9 AM - Morning meeting
Quatore is back in the white Manager chair, and welcomes everyone to the morning meeting.
Today's Super Sim is announced: Toby! Toby will (again) choose a skill book to buy for the common money, and he might even desire some purchase?
Right now he is Flirty and wants to woohoo with someone (!), not during the meeting, Toby! He wants to become friends with Sissela, and he wants to buy an instrument!
So, for skill book, it seems he will buy something instrument'ish, or we'll just use his number 2 to decide.
Skill book listed 2nd is a Mischief book, and that's not one of his traits, so he chooses "Guitar Vil 1: Intro to Rocking". There is a guitar in the house that nobody touched yet. And, like every morning, Ochana notes that §75 was spent.
For the desired purchase, buy an instrument, there's no instrument available for less than §100. So there will be no purchase today. The §100 limit is needed because they are pretty short on money.
Being today's Super Sim, Toby ranks first today.
Sissela ranks very last again - being today's Loser. Even so, she is now the only one without a Chore. Today's Chore is hers - she gets no options. Quatore announces that today's Chore is Angler!
- Arg! I so want to spend every day fishing, not!
Angler will go fishing to various fishing spots within the local hood, every day at 10 AM, and will read about fishing at noon. Fish shall be stored in fridge. This chore pays a total of 150 points now, plus the value of all fish caught!
Schedule of today:
10 AM Chores & Skills
1 PM Chef Fabian serves lunch, fish if possible
4 PM Group outing to Museum (with points up for grab, see departure)
7 PM Fabian arranges som dinner outside the Museum.
8 PM Return back home, free will until 11 PM.
10 AM - Chores and Skills
This session is definitely starting to get packed with duties and you-know-what. Ah, chores! Now that all 8 contestants have some chores, we will need to break up the session, first directing them to do their chore at 10 AM, then direct them to build a related skill at noon. All this session will be free will, though and they can change focus anytime they want.
Firstly, Toby is allowed to dig for one item, if he can find a possible location to dig.
And he found a treasure map! Saving it for later!
Ochana rushed out to check the mail box. That is her responsibility.
And today there are some bills! Bills in TS4 is very pricey, this day they sum up to §4.211. I'm not sure how often they will pay bills during these 20 simdays, but the contestants need to contribute with the lacking funds, all must convert the same sum of points into money. Any contestant running out of points will need to leave the house...
The common account is currently §701, and they need to add §450 from each. This will have a dramatic effect for Sissela; she will need to earn lots of points until the next bills are due! This leaves §90 on their common account. (And Sissela has only §198 left).
Ona needs to repair 4 sinks and 2 toilets today! All within 2 hours of course.
It's obvious that most toilets and sinks are set to break down after a set amount of time.
Fiona needs to weed, water and harvest loads today! Actually, her Gardener chore is too much for just one to handle. Unfortunately she will not earn points for what she harvests on their lot, only what she might bring in.
Fabian is first directed to harvest and tend the kitchen garden. Then he will watch the Cooking channel on TV.
- And I have this little points left! Can you see them? Neither can I...
Otto is directed to tend the library bar. He will make a drink too, but must pay for them so it will just be one.
He is very confident this morning!
Fabian served fish tacos for lunch.
5 PM - Group outing Museum
The lunch (fish tacos) was delayed, and today's skill reading was effective only for a few. Now it's time for the visit to Gloomville's Museum, and the group heads to town!
There are points involved on this outing that lasts only for 3 hours.:
200 points for reaching top floor first!
100 points for sitting down in the garden.
100 points for listening to someone playing the grand piano.
100 points for cleaning something
-100 points for falling asleep
Let's go!
7 of them seems to agree that Fabian stinks! And yes, he does...
Ochana runs straigt to the stairs, and she is upstairs nearly before the others enteres the building! That's worth 200 points!
Although the romantic Ochana came to see art and history, she soon enough finds herself being charmed by some guy named Kale Baxter...
Toby, Fiona and (still stinky) Fabian are downstairs. In the background Otto is admiring something old.
For some reason Ona didn't even bother to walk inside. And the girld walking by is the Crumpleton teen daughter from the Upperton hood.
Fiona cleaned a table outside, and earned herself 100 points!
Not sure where Ochana is at this moment, but Kale Baxter knows how to charm Sissela, too.
11 PM Moods and Scores
So, we'll look for the greenest plumbob to pick tomorrow's Super Sim. They all went to bed shortly after returning from the Museum, so the house is quiet right now. The only contestant with a green plumbob is Fiona! She earns herself the title plus 200 points from the Loser...
- Congratulations, Fiona!
- Oh, this is gross! Me being the Super Sim! Does it mean I can finally request some assistance for the gardening job?
- Don't rhink so.
- Oh... well.
So, who will that Loser be? Who has the worst mood plumbob? Quite a few are orange, but only one is red: Quatore! He will hand over those 200 points to Super Sim Fiona unless he completes the midnight challenge within 60 minutes!
Quatore's number is 4 and today is day 6, making him do challenge number 4+6=10. There are only 9 alternative challenges, so he will perform number 10-9=1.
1. Clean the house's ground floor! All dirty plates&cups/glasses, dirty bathroom facilities, dirty floors and dirty counters must be clean to complete this task.
It's quite the job, actually, now that so many of the 6 toilets were broken. And Quatore only has 60 minutes to do it all. At least he has got some cleaning experience. Let's see!
No... picking up only 4 of 6 plates, then walking upstairs to remove the leftovers, before walking back down to the kitchen took 60 minutes, LOL. I'm sorry, but Quatore had no chance to solve this challenge. And I realize that the trashcan upstairs should be replaced if it is mostly for food stuff. Anyway, Quatore hands over 200 points to Super Sim Fiona!
Summing it up - day 6
Sim in Spot: none
New chore, Angler: Sissela
Super Sim: Toby
Loser: Sissela
Not much changed. Sissela and Fiona still have a bad elation but it seems to fade a bit. Sissela and Toby have a certain positive vibe.
Toby: 14 total (Painting 4, Violin 2, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Mischief 1, Cooking 1, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1)
Ochana: 11 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 2, Logic 1, Video gaming 1, Gardening 1, Cooking 1, Mischief 1, Fitness 1)
Fabian: 11 total (Gardening 3, Cooking 3, Video gaming 2, Mischief 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1)
Otto: 10 total (Video gaming 2, Charisma 2, Mischief 1, Cooking 1, Comedy 1, Piano 1, Mixology 1, Fitness 1)
Ona: 10 total (Fitness 2, Handiness 2, Comedy 1, Logic 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1,
Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Fiona: 10 total (Gardening 3, Mischief 1, Logic 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Fitness 1)
Quatore: 10 total (Video gaming 3, Cooking 2, Logic 2, Fishing 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1)
Sissela: 9 total (Video gaming 2, Logic 1, Handiness 1, Comedy 1, Mischief 1, Fishing 1, Cooking 1, Gardening 1)
Standing score and chores:
Ochana: 1650 points, Accountant
Toby: 1644 points, Painter
Quatore: 1455 points, Manager
Ona: 1380 points,
Fiona: 1239 points, Gardener
Fabian: 823 points, Chef
Otto: 440 points
Sissela: 198 points
Quatore drops 2 places, and it's pretty close between Ochana and Toby in top 2!
Common account: §80
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