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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Gloomville Diaries - introducing Muggerdale hood

My new legacy Gloomville Diaries will start tomorrow, October 1st 2014. To avoid one super long post, today I'll post one article on each of the 3 hoods of Gloomville; Upperton, Willow Field and Muggerdale.

In Gloomville there are several distinct hoods, and my legacy family will be located at Willow Field. That's where the old farm used to be, and still is. While Upperton hood is home to the top notch families, and Muggerdale hood belongs to the lower working class, Willow Field is where you find households of the average status and charm.

Status: Low (1-2 of 6). Lots: 4 residential, 1 community (Muggerdale Fair, traditional market).

Formerly, Muggerdale was property of the Willow Farm at nearby Willow Field hood. Farm workers lived in rented sheds here at Muggerdale, and were even allowed to grow a small harvest for their own consume. These days this is the cheaper low status hood of Gloomville.

Pedro and Anita make a living from small scale farming growing Mushrooms for the most. They live eco-friendly, and spend hours outdoors.

Pedro Mugger:
Pedro descends from the Mugger family who actually gave this hood its name. They were never criminals or pests, just pretty poor small scale farmers. A long gone ancestor was a muppet player, and Pedro believes that somewhere along the line Muppet became Mugger. A tad hard to believe...
Traits: Freelance botanist - Loner, Foodie, Hot-headed.
Occupation: Farmer 

Anita (W.) Mugger:
Anita came to Gloomville with her sister, Agnes. They both married local guys, and Anita loves her little family. She works at a fast food kitchen in town, and when she has some time off she enjoy fishing. As a little girl she had a nice aquarium, maybe Alan or Emma would want a fish bowl?
Traits: Angling ace - Childish, Foodie, Family-oriented.
Occupation: Culinary (fast food kitchen)

Alan Mugger:
Son, just started school. Pretty active, but not interested in growing mushrooms yet...
Traits: Social butterfly - Hot headed
Occupation: Student

Janet Mugger:
Traits: n/a
Occupation: n/a

Agnes Mugger (sister of Anita, pictured left):
She is not the sharpest knife in the sock. She loves all things butterflies, and she is ready to marry!
Traits: Big happy family - Gloomy, Family-oriented, Lazy.

Tomas and Elvira moved to Muggerdale hood when they were young. That's long ago. Now their son Ollie will soon take over the little house, and Elvira can't wait to have some grandkids!

Tomas Raven:
Tomas always like growing their food, but he also took work elsewhere, short term jobs like assising on building or digging and other stuff requiring some strength. He loves a good story, and is often seen in the local Park.
Traits: Freelance botanist - Outgoing, Cheerful, Foodie.
Occupation: Retired Farmer

Elvira (Jones) Raven:
She loves food, and she eat a bit too much and too often. But it's also her job, cooking at a resuarant in town. Elvira also likes music, and she might be Kevin Grossing's biggest fan.
Traits: Master chef - Foodie, Music lover, Family-oriented.
Occupation: Culinary>regular restaurant

Ollie Raven:
Young adult son. Planning to take over the little farmhouse, but will he be too lazy?
Traits: x - Foodie, Outgoing, Lazy
Occupation: Farmer

Sara and Lona are new in Gloomville, and they share the smallest house they could find. Officially, Sara Stone is the house owner, and Lona Despond the lodger. They are both single and searching.

Sara Stone:
Sara dreams of wealthiness, but she would prefer reaching it without getting married. Two soulmates can live together without the marriage and kids part, can't they? She believes that every man who buy her a drink at Muggerdale Fair, does so because he likes her personality. And a few of them might do, but why do they all leave right after breakfast? Don't they like her cooking?
Traits: Soulmate - Romantic, Materialistic, Noncommittal.
Occupation: Undecided.

Lona Despond:
Lona just moved to Gloomville, she is single and hopes to meet Mr. Right. Whenever she spots a man, she runs up to him and starts charming him the best she can. Lately, local men have been hiding when they see Lona arriving. She is a true romantic, she loves reading (romantic novels) and attending concerts. Or she might spend the nights at home knitting, while guarding the phone in case Mr Right will call.
Traits: Soulmate - Romantic, Goofball, Bookworm.
Occupation: Clerk, grocery store

Corinne and Miri Schwaini are poor, but they like it here at Muggerdale. Corinne loves nature and Miri loves evil pranks. So what brought them together? They have no idea. They make a living from collecting stuff to sell at Muggerdale Fair.

Miri Schwaini:
Miri has left a semi-criminal path, and dreams of becoming a comedian. It's not bringing in the good money though, so only occasionally he might look around for forgotten stuff to sell at the Muggerdale Fair.
Traits: Chief of mischief - Evil, Bro, Art lover.
Occupation: Entertainer 

Corinne (Nivari) Schwaini:
She grows some flowers in their garden that she sells at Muggerdale Fair, but honestly she prefer those plants staying alive in her own garden, it would causes her less work. 
Traits: Freelance botanist - Gloomy, Loves outdoors, Mean.
Occupation: Homemaker 

Rambo Schwaini:
Teen son who sems to follow in his dad Miri's early steps...
Traits: Chief of mischief - Gloomy, Evil
Occupation: Student

Sculla Schwaini:
Daughter Sculla was actually named after a blue flower called Scilla, but somehow her mom Corinne misspelled. Sculla wants to be playful, but her evil trait might cause some conflicts along the road.
Traits: Evil
Occupation: Student

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