It's already day 4 in the Sims by Numbers Show house! Today there is no Sim in Spot, but there will be a group outing!
The contestants keep getting up very early in the morning.
4 AM - Ona and Otto having an early breakfast on the main terrace.
Do you recall that Quatore caught a fish some time ago? Well, it now swims in the fish bowl in their kitchen, and Quatore named the fish Aquatore (I thought that was a brilliant name...)
Oh, and lookie lookie - in the background Ona and Ochana are hugging!
Ona and Ochana hugging in the kitchen is so sweet! They are room mates, and had the best relation in the house for some while. They are now friends, first friends in this project. They should be rewarded some points for that, but I guess it's too late making up new rules now :)
This morning there is another first. The fridge broke, and nothing in the house broke down earlier. Also one of the toilets downstairs broke this morning. Quatore seems pretty upset with it all. He just picked up a new envelope with instructions for today.
9 A; - Morning meeting
So, the meeting is on! Some bring their breakfast, i think that is quite cool.
Super Sim is announced: Quatore! It means the Manager's white chair will be taken by Ona again, because the Manager himself will sit on the Super Sim chair, wearing that green hat...
Today there will be no Sim in Focus. But there is a new Chore on offer, and there will be an group outing to town at 4 PM.
But first off is Super Sim's wants. First he will choose one new skill book, and being a family man, good, genius and a geek, Quatore might think of something useful, like handiness or fishing, and chooses "Fishing Vol 1: Getting hooked". He thinks he might be talented as he already caught Aquatore.
However, Super Sim can also decide to buy something if there is a wish. And Quatore actually has a purchase wish, to buy a new toy! Ochana protests as there are no kids in this house, but rules are to be followed, and Quatore can choose a toy costing maximum §100.
Quatore's personal number is 4, so he chooses the 4th toy within the cost range, with the 4th colour option, and proudly places Teresa the Triceratops on the table!
Ochana notes that §140 was spent from their common account. And she is not happy with that.
- Kind of wasted, actually!
Now it's time to announce today's Chore offer, and they all pay attention. Only 3 of the contestants don't have a chore by now. Ona, Sissela and Otto. And this is also how they rank.
On offer today: Repairman! The group needs a Repairman, not just because a toilet and the fridge broke down this morning, because this was actually planned for today no matter what. Repairman will of course be responsible that all facilities work, and will read up on Handiness. Repairman will also upgrade those items to avoid future break downs. Collecting spare parts to be used for future upgrades might also be sold for points. This chore pays a total of 150 points.
Now, who's interested?
Ona is first, and she thinks this could be a good chore as it includes handiness, it might force a strong body as well. But is it worth it, she wants more than those 150 points! If those upgrade things are sold for points, then she will make some extra score, but not be able to upgrade anything, right? But she already has a good score - it's worth the risk, and Ona decides to accept this challenge!
Today's schedule is the regular Chores & Skills until lunch, then Chef Fabian will serve warm lunch, and at 4 PM they will all travel to Blue Velvet club where they all can earn points (more about that when departing). At 10 PM the group returns back home! Fabian will bring lunch leftovers.
Now the morning meeting ends.
10 AM Chores and Skills
Well, this session is getting more interesting now that most of the 8 have chores to do. Actually, for some it's getting more chores and less regular skill building. Each of them need to do chores even if it takes more than one instruction, but each are told to build skill just once. They are all changing focus by free will whenever the feel like it.
Quatore's chore is kinda done as the meeting ends, so we'll just let him interact with their new toy Teresa, and then send him to their library to read the new fishing book.
Ochana is directed to check the mailbox and pay bills. Then to practise some more mirror talking in her room.
Toby will need to paint one painting to be gifted to one bedroom. Afterwards he will read the Violin book. Sissela has no chore, and is playing Chess there in the background.
Ona is directed to repair the toilet. It's probably not so wise to start fixing the fridge, as she is quite clueless when it comes to handiness. Hopefully the fridge will not be too cruel to her... She will then level up on Fitness (boxing).
Fabian needs to tend the kitchen garden, and he also must decide what warm meal to serve for lunch. Afterwards he will read the cooking book.
Fiona will tend the garden if needed, look out for wild plants to harvest (nearby the house), and finally she will watch the Cooking channel on TV.
Otto has no chore, and will join Fiona watching cooking on TV.
Most days Quatore can be seen cleaning dishes and today he is even cleaning the counter. It probably was not too dirty until today, because this is the first time it was cleaned, I think.
Fiona harvested some Snapdragons just across the street, and she is now planting most of them to beautify their garden. Toby finished the painting in the hobby room upstairs, gained the Aspired mood., and decides to continue on the second easel that is found on their main terrace. He did this on free will, and is the first to use this easel.
It's time for Ona to repair the fridge! While the toilet could not harm her, a fridge is more dangerous, hopefully she will survive the task...
Otto is preparing some food, and all the water on the floor makes for a nervous sequence. But it all went well, fridge is now fixed, bravo, Ona!
4 PM Captain Blue Nightclub
The 8 of them travels to town, to spend the next 6 hours at Captain Blue Nightclub
(this is of course the game's Blue Velvet Nightclub, slightly modified).
Tonight a total of 350 points is up for grab and it's all about socializing with non-household sims! The one with the strongest relation earns 200 points, the runner up earns 100 points, and third gets 50 points. Results will be checked at 11 PM.
The 8 contestants will now hang out at the club on free will, but during the night, on 30 minutes intervals, one by one according to rank will perform a social interaction with the nearest non household guest. The interaction will either be a general social wish, or a friendly interaction according to personal number 1 to 8.
Ona and Otto are quite tired, and Ochana, Sissela and Fiona are a bit tired too, while the others are pretty green and go. First out is Super Sim Quatore who seems to be in a good mood, but we'll wait one hour to allow more guests to arrive the club. 4 PM might be a tad early for a place like Captain Blue Nightclub :).
5 PM Quatore is to interact with local guests. So, Quatore is directed to do friendly interaction number 4; discuss interests with Krysta Whitten, that can't be too bad...
5:30 PM Ochana wants to Hip Bump someone, because she feels energized. And the nearest guest happens to be Mrs. Constanza Bootwig! This can get fun?
It turns out that Constanza is in a flirty mood tonight, so maybe this wasn't so smart after all...
6 PM Ona is happy and wants to hug someone! Right in front of her, a bald man named Salvador Atkinson is dancing, and maybe he would like a hug? Ah, happy mood left and so did the Hug whim, so instead Ona will just do friendly interaction number 1; ask about day.
It wasn't a very close conversation, though - lol.
6:30 PM Toby wants to make a friend, and that is less likely to happen that quickly, so he choose Friendly option number 2, and Boasts about family to Mrs. Constanza Bootwig.
Looks like she is still in a flirty state... she is a married woman, Toby, residing the Upperton hood.
7 PM Fabian choose friendly number 5, discuss interest with Sara Stone.
I wonder what interests they discuss (forgot to check...).
7:30 PM Fiona likes to Get to know Sara Stone. Sorry, there's no picture.
8:00 PM Otto is not in the bar, but seated in the main room. Now he wants to Meet someone new. And right behind him is Salvador Atkinson dancing (still). Otto greets him, is that enough?
8:30 PM Sissela wants to hug someone romantically, but the nearest person is Sara Stone (again), so it gotta be friendly interaction number 6 instead, Gossip.
Not sure what she told Sara, but she laughed anyway. And either Sara is not drinking, or Fabian bought her way too many drinks, LOL.
The woman in front is actually a neighbour at Willow Field, Camilla Grossing. She is an acclaimed author, but none of them met her yet.
Well, Ona couldn't take it any longer. LOL.
10 PM the group left Captain Blue Nightclub, and most of them had a terrific night, especially those spending time in the bar. When Toby told a joke, everyone in there bursted out with laughter, quite cool!
11 PM - Results of today's group challenge
So, they all had some social interaction with strangers at the nightclub, so let's see who got the best relations!
200 points is earned by Toby for making a good relation to Mrs. Constanza Bootwig!
100 points is earned by Sissela for making a good relation to Sara Stone!
50 points is earned by Fabian for making a good relation - also to Sara Stone!
11:05 PM - Mood
No plumbob is green after a night at Captain Blue Nightclub - they might have a hangover already, but Quatore and Fabian are yellow. Again it's a close race, but Quatore seems to be a tad better. So, for the second day in a row, Quatore is Super Sim!
- It's you again! You did well at the nightclub?
- Ha, it was a great night, and it was fun to get out of this house for a change.
- You didn't make any impressive contact with the locals?
- I didn't? Ha, how would you know?!
There's many red plumbobs tonight: Ona, Fiona, Sissela and Otto. From these Sissela has the weakest plumbob tonight, and she is the new Loser! She gives 200 points to Super Sim Quatore - unless she can fulfill the midnight challenge within 60 minutes! Her number is 6 and this is day 4, so she will try challenge number 6+4=10! There are only 9 challenges, so starting on top again she takes challenge number 1:
1. Clean the house's ground floor! All dirty plates&cups/glasses, dirty bathroom facilities, dirty floors and dirty counters must be clean to complete this task.
But no, Sissela is too tired to clean all the plates, even if they are just 4... So, here goes 200 points from Sissela to Quatore!
Summing it up - day 4
Sim in Spot: none
New chore, Repairman: Ona
Super Sim: Quatore
Loser: Fabian
Ochana and Ona are finally friends, first friends in the house! Many new relations were formed at the Captain Blue Nightclub, but no major impact.
Toby: 12 total (Painting 3, Violin 2, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Mischief 1, Cooking 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1)
Otto: 8 total (Video gaming 2, Charisma 2, Mischief 1, Cooking 1, Comedy 1, Fitness 1)
Ona: 9 total (Fitness 2, Handiness 1, Comedy 1, Logic 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1,
Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Ochana: 11 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 2, Logic 1, Video gaming 1, Gardening 1, Cooking 1, Mischief 1, Fitness 1)
Quatore: 8 total (Video gaming 3, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Fishing 1, Comedy 1)
Fiona: 7 total (Gardening 2, Mischief 1, Logic 1, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Cooking 1, Charisma 1, Fitness 1)
Sissela: 8 total (Video gaming 2, Logic 1, Handiness 1, Comedy 1, Mischief 1, Fishing 1, Cooking 1)
Fabian: 9 total (Cooking 2, Gardening 2, Video gaming 2, Mischief 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1)
Standing score and chores:
Quatore: 2205 points, Manager
Toby: 1960 points, Painter
Ochana: 1850 points, Accountant
Ona: 1830 points,
Fiona: 1389 points, Gardener
Fabian: 1173 points, Chef
Otto: 900 points
Sissela: 600 points
Common account: §791
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