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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Sims by Numbers - Report day 3 - Knowledge

Another day, another report! It's the 3rd day of the Sims by Numbers Show (not counting the move in report on day 0).

Early this morning the ontestants can hear someone crying. It's Fiona who is sad, and who hid in her bed.

4 AM Fabian was entertaining himself, while Ona was busy boxing.

It's obviously that in TS4 sims will hit the sack late at night, even if they are only semi tired they might go to bed. But there seems to be nothing telling them to stay in bed even if their energy level is pretty good.

But let's skip to the morning meeting!

9 AM  Morning meeting
Actually, they start a little late again, because Quatore overslept.

Quatore is the current Loser, so he has to use the red chair, leading the meeting from the opposite end of the table. Ona uses his white chair for this meeting.

The chairs thing would have worked better if there was one spare regular chair, it would look so much better if Quatore's white chair was empty during today's meeting.

Today's Super Sim is introduced: Toby! He suits the silly hat more than Ona and Fiona, but anyway he is too childish to really care. He learned about his Super Sim privileges. None of Toby's whishes relate to skills, so for the skill book he chooses "Violin Vil 1: Basic Violinin'". Ona applauds this, because reading up on violin skills ought to make less noise than practicing the instrument ;) .

None of Toby's wants include purchases, so Ochana concludes that §75 is spent for the book, and the group has §731 left.

Now to the two offers, first another Chore is up for grab, and then someone can get the Sim in Spot mission!

Chore first. The new chore is Painter. The group needs someone to decorate this house. In case anyone wondered why there are so many Dino wall stencils, the Painter will create works to replace each of the 10 stencils. Each of the coming 4 days a new painting shal be given as a gift to the 4 bedrooms. Then there shall be a new painting every other day to replace all the common rooms. Painter will decide within the first 4 gifts and the last 6 common, and can decide what motive will go where. Any costs are taken from the Painter's points, but will be won back by selling as many paintings as it takes. There can be sold maximum one painting per simday. First painting must be gifted today. Painter chore is paid a total of 200 points.

So, who's interested?

Everyone is quiet for a few seconds. This was too much information in one go. Sissela and others finally got a good answer regarding those dino stencils. Let's check the rank of those who don't have a chore already, and see who might be interested. Toby is ranked first as Super Sim, then Ona, Otto, Sissela.

Toby don't really want to be a Painter, but he also see this might be the only creative chore. There are only 3 more goes, what is the chances that he will get a violin player chore? Probably next to zero. Toby accepts the Painter chore, and earns himself 200 points.

Next up is today's Sim in Spot! Today is Knowledge day, and the mission is to gain 3 skill points without starting a new skill (would be too easy to just start new skills as they earn 1 skill point as soon as they start learning the new skill). Today's Sim in Spot will first read skills at the communal library Gloomy Archive (ASP/Chore/Trait/Want related) (4 hours), then eat somewhere in town (2 hours), then build skills from practicing at Library (4 hours). When in doubt, number will decide. Be smart; not all skills can be practised in a library, but most can be learned from a book. Mission is to return with minimum 3 skill points earned during 10 hours. Any spare time can be used to collect any kind of values.

Who is today's Sim in Spot? Ona already had the title, so she is not allowed again.

Toby thinks meh - now that he can practice both on violin and got the book, AND should rather practice painting, there is less need for visiting the library in town. Toby passes the offer on.

Ochana only got 4 different skills to build on, it seems too difficult when she has no options. Ochana passes the offer on.

Fabian thinks that this might be a good chance to collect values, that will give him a much needed point boost. Besides, he could need some more skills. Will he make 3 skills from reading and practicing at the library? He thinks so, and Fabian accepts today's Sim in Spot mission!

The meeting ends, and while Fabian is away, everyone will be doing what they like, after being directed to one skill building activity, of course. It's Knowledge day, after all!

Sim in Spot - Gloomy Archives
So Fabian travels to Gloomy Archives, a place he is not familiar with at all.

So, before he gets started, he better make a good plan. Currently, he has skills in cooking (2), video gaming (2), gardening (1), mischief (1) and charisma (1). He will need to add 3 skill points.

Gardening and cooking can hardly be practised in th Library, so he decides to start building those by reading until 2 PM. Now where are those books?

11:34 AM Fabian is already very uncomfortable. He is both hungry and tired, and he knows he should have passed this offer on, because he was not at all well rested. And he hasn't earned himself one single skill point yet! This gardening book is a big yawn...

12:30 AM A woman named Leigh Willoughby sits down and asks Fabian weird questions. Can't she see that he is busy reading and yawning? Did he fall asleep for a second, snoring even? The woman then puts away his cooking book!

- Hey, she took my cooking book!

Fabian changes tactics, how about building his mischief skills by telling Leigh Willoughby som lies? He lies to her about his job, and then he tells her fake bad news.

- Did you hear that a crocodile ate the Gloomville Mayor this morning?

But he is to tired to tell a solid lie, or to think of anything else for that matter...

2 PM  Fabian finds a quiet library section for kids, and in a tiny armchair he takes a nap.

4 PM he wakes up as a boy named Stephan Gaines walks into the kids' section.

- Oh my, is there no mercy in this world?

Fabian decides to change tactic again. He is still tired, and realized that his can't fulfill this mission. It will cost him 200 points, but if he can collect something worthy just as much or more, he won't fail completely. He walks outside, finds some leftover burger to eat, and starts hunting for - something.

He found some time capsules and sime metal, and he harvested some potatoes and one onion. Hopefully he will earn back those 200 points that this failure mission will cost him.

Then he traveled back to the house at Willow Field.

- Zzzzzzzz Zzzzz

How sweet of Ochana walking into Fabian's bedroom, maybe to check on him, or to offer a glass of cold juice? Or maybe just to admire the reddest plumbob she ever saw!

Fiona has been busy today. She takes her Gardener chore seriously, and now she plants some of the potatoes that Fabian had collected at the library. At the library?

Toby has not been too busy as the new Painter, so he was directed to complete the task of producing one painting to be gifted. It costed him 75 points, so he was also directed to paint one more (pictured) to sell.

11 PM - Moods
It's again time to check on moods.

Today must have been a good day, because five of the contestans have a green plumbob: Ona, Sissela, Ochana, Quatore and Otto. Of these Quatore and Ona are greenest, and although it's a very close race it seems like Quatore is slightly greener than Ona. So, Quatore is the new Super Sim!

- Congratulations Manager Quatore!

- Well, it just happened, isn't that what they say?

- How will you lead tomorrow's meeting from the green chair?

- With a green Super Sim hat on my head, I assume!

The lowest plumbob score is of course Fabian's - no wonder as he was all red one hour earlier. Now he is orange but still far behind all the others. So, Fabian is the new Loser! He will hand over 200 points to Super Sim Quatore - unless he fulfills the midnight challenge within 60 minutes! Fabian's personal number is 5 and this is day 3, so he will try challenge number 5+3=8:
8. Visit a neighbour and steal any harvest available (1 plant)

Fabian chose to visit the house next door, Willow Farm. They still grow a little food commercially, although the former farmer sold out most of their land. I was surprised that Fabian was let in after midnight even if he never met them. He walked right by Mark Oaksdale having some late dinner, then outside to their backyard. Those planters were pretty full, but nothing to harvest. Then Fabian ran outside the fence, to the spinach plot that can be seen from the Sims by Numbers house. It's pretty close. But no spinach could be harvested at this time, and Fabian lost the midnight challenge...

Super Sim Quatore, here comes 200 points from Loser Fabian!

Summing it up - day 3
Sim in Spot, Fabian at library.
New chore, Painter: Toby
Super Sim: Toby
Loser: Quatore

No big changes. Fiona and Sissela still have a bad relation, and Ochana and Ona have the best relation in the house.

Toby: 10 total (Violin 2, Painting 2, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Cooking 1, Mischief 1, Gardening 1)
Otto: 8 total (Video gaming 2, Charisma 2, Mischief 1, Comedy 1, Cooking 1, Fitness 1)
Ona: 8 total (Fitness 2, Logic 1, Comedy 1,  Video gaming 1, Gardening 1, Cooking 1, Charisma 1)
Ochana: 8 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 2, Logic 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1)
Quatore: 8 total (Video gaming 3, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Comedy 1, Fishing 1)
Fiona: 7 total (Gardening 1, Mischief 1, Logic 1, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Cooking 1, Fitness 1)
Sissela: 6 total (Video gaming 1, Handiness 1, Fishing 1, Mischief 1, Comedy 1, Cooking 1)
Fabian: 6 total (Cooking 2,  Video gaming 2,  Gardening 1, Mischief 1, Charisma 1)

Standing score and chores:
Quatore: 2105 points, Manager
Ochana: 1850 points, Accountant
Ona: 1680 points
Toby: 1640 points
Fabian: 1123 points, Chef
Fiona: 1290 points, Gardener
Otto: 900 points
Sissela: 800 points

Common account: §931

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