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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Sims by Numbers - Report day 15 - Comedy

It's day 15 in the Sims by Numbers Show, and now that we are just 5 days away from picking a winner, it gets more exciting to see how the 8 contestants go about, and how they earn points. Becoming the Super Sim will actually make a difference these days, because it normally means a good amount of points.

Except from the morning meeting, they all go by free will all day and night. In addition, Super Sim will be directed to follow whims. I refer to want number 2 and 3 as whims, while the 1st want seems to change quite often depending on the current emotion, and therefore will hardly be paid attention.

Very early this morning, Fiona walked outside to talk to a plant (by free will). She grew these plants from harvested wild seeds.

A little later Fiona and Quatore had a conversation in the kitchen. Only Quatore had some breakfast, but they both looked rather uncomfortable and their relation is slightly in the red. I wonder if they discussed Ochana's solid lead? 

Then Fiona goes back to bed, and Quatore is the only one awake. 

A little later in the library, Sissela was trolling a forum again, while Fabian seems to suggest how to do the trolling...?

Upstairs Toby has entered Otto and Fabian's room, and now he is jumping in some spoiled stuff that Ona left behind when repairing the sink.

Most days there is a breakfast gathering in the kitchen, just before the Morning meeting begins at 9 AM.

9 AM - Morning meeting

Ona is today's Super Sim, so she leads the meeting from the green chair.

Ona does have a purchase wish, namely buying a treadmill. Unfirtunately it would cost §900, while the purchase limit is §100. Ona got some nteresting whims today, though, so we'll see where those will get her during the day.

 Ochna explains that the common account currently holds §1713. Not bad! It's been a while since they got some bills to pay, and Ochana expects the next bills to sum up to §4000-5000. If so, and when so, each contestant must transfer a certain amount of points into Simoleons (1 point=1 Simoleon), untill the bills are covered.

Sissela has the lowest score, will she have enough points to transfer, or will she finally need to leave the house for good?

Today's Loser is Fiona. She has got this title more than anyone else. She can blame her hard chores in the garden, but frankly, she gets many-many hours to catch up with her needs before the plumbob inspection at 11 PM.

Now Ona informs them that this day will be pretty much relaxed, and according to the meeting note (Super Sim gets delivered a note every day before the meeting) there is no special event coming up. But tomorrow, there will be a group outing to tomorrow's Super Sim's out of house relation!

Today's schedule:
10 AM - Chores & Skills
1 PM - Lunch
7 PM - Dinner
11 PM - Moods & Scores

Meeting ends.

10 AM - Chores & Skills
This session is mostly about chores. Ona needs to repair a few toilets and sinks, and the VR machine upstairs, but first she rushes outside to dig up something. This is Super Sim's privilege. She finds another doll worth 35 points.

Sissela goes fishing, Otto tends the empty bar and Fiona can finally harvest the wild lillies and wild bluebells she collected some time ago! She plants some seeds in the garden.

Ochana checks the mail box, which is empty. It's been so long, why are there no new bills?

Toby and Fabian keeps Otto some company in the library bar. Toby just completed a painting for his chore, and he also sold one painting that he painted earlier, for §292! Will he be able to collect enough points over the next days to give Ochana some competition? See the updated scores at end of each report!

Ochana plays chess upstairs, and in the background Ona tries to repair the Virtual Reality gaming divice.

And afterwards she picks up a few upgrading parts. Ona has quite a few of thise small items in her pocket, she will get points for those she doesn't spend, but she also needs to upgrade a few facilities, to avoid spending all her time on repairing stuff.

Right now Ona is very hungry. But when giving her a chance to get some food on free will, she starts talking to Ochana instead.

So, we'll direct her to fulfill one of her whims. She wants to "Compose a comedy routine" and to "go jogging". Her number is 1, so she picks the first, the comedy routine. She walks down to the Library to compose a short routine...

The red crystals are not in effect, the red one seems to boost an energized emotion, which probably would be better in a gym than in a library...

Ona wrote the Haircut Disaster routine :)

Now, she will go for a jog. She also wants to become friends with someone, but that want relates to her current emotion (first want), and we will only focus on the two whims (2nd and 3rd), because they last much longer.

Ona is both hungry and uncomfortable now, but crosses the street, and passes the little, red Brox/Kammin house. There comes a guy... Oh, isn't that Kale Baxter?

Haha, Ona turns and follows Kale by free will :)  Kale is the one who Ochana romanced at Muggerdale Fair.

Ona's next whim is to perform a joke. There is no microphone in the project house, so she travels to Captain Blue Nightclub. But she obviously forgets to bring her silly green Super Sim hat!

She performes a comedy routine, but it wasn't that well received. Hm, actually there was no response at all... guess that could have been worse, then...

Now Ona wants to write jokes for an hour, so she heads back home, and sits down in the library to write.

Meanwhile, Sissela has finally planted the apple she fished long ago. This is not done by free will though, but she carried that apple in her pocket for so long, it was time to plant it. They have no fruit trees at all until now.

In the main hall Quaore and Otto have a talk. I wish I could listen to them, but when taking the pictures, the talk bubbles do now follow, so we can't really listen to them. What a pity...

Right now Ochana has checked the mailbox again, and new bills were delivered! The sum is quite big, and at the meeting tomorrow, Ochana will need to tell everyone how many points it takes to contribute to covering the costs.

Sissela has no idea that new bills were delivered, and should be paid tomorrow. If those bills are §5861 or more, Sissela will have to leave the house because everyone will need to contribute with 507 points. Sissela's current score is 506 points.

11 PM - Moods & Scores
There are several green plumbobs tonight, but the best one belongs to Ona! So, Ona will be Super Sim for the 2nd day in a row.

- Wow, congratulations! You had a good day?

- Thank you! I went for a jog, that was the greatest! I wish I could visit the gym instead of telling that joke, but well, it was my wish after all, and I do like comedy, too.

- Do you plan to win this place?

- I don't think there is time to earn enough points. But then again, it depends on the contests and events for the last 5 days, I guess...

There are no red plumbob tonight, but one orange, and it belongs to Toby. So, Toby is tomorrow's Loser, and unless he fulfills the midnight challenge within 60 minutes, he will need to hand over 200 points to Ona!
Toby's number is 2, and today is day 15, giving us the number 2+15=17. There are 9 challenges, so Toby will take number 17-9=8.
8. Visit a neighbour and steal any harvest available (1 plant)

Toby walks over to the neighbouring lot, Willow Farm. They grow lots of stuff, but Toby has no idea whether those plants can be harvested. All he needs to do is to harvest one plant within 60 minutes...
And he makes it! Some of the Spinach plants are ready! Sorry Super Sim Ona, Loser Toby won't send you those 200 points!

Summing it up - day 15
Super Sim: Ona
Loser: Fiona
Events: Comedy

Not much changed within the household. Fabian and Quatore work on a negative relation, and also Fiona and Sissela have a negative relation, still. The surprise is that Ona has developed a lovebirds relation to out-of-household Josue Egan! When did this happen, Ona - and *what* happened?

Toby: 21 total (Painting 6, Violin 3, Mischief 2, Comedy 2, Cooking 2, Video gaming 2, Charisma 1, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1)
Ochana: 20 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 3,  Video gaming 3, Logic 3, Gardening 2, Cooking 2, Fitness 1, Mischief 1, Handiness 1, Fishing 1)
Fabian: 18 total (Gardening 5, Cooking 4, Video gaming 3,  Mischief 2, Comedy 2, Fitness 1, Charisma 1)
Otto: 20 total (Video gaming 3, Comedy 3, Mixology 3, Charisma 2, Mischief 2, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Piano 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1, Guitar 1)
Ona: 20 total (Handiness 5, Fitness 4,  Video gaming 3, Comedy 3, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Fiona: 17 total (Gardening 5, Violin 3, Mischief 2, Logic 1, Fitness 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Fishing 1)
Quatore: 17 total (Video gaming 4, Cooking 3, Logic 3, Mischief 1, Fitness 1, Fishing 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Gardening 1, Violin 1)
Sissela: 19 total (Video gaming 4, Fishing 4, Mischief 3, Comedy 2, Logic 1, Handiness 1, Fitness 1, Cooking 1, Programming 1, Gardening 1)

Standing score and chores:
Toby has jumped 2 places, and is now 2nd. Ochana still has a solid lead.

Ochana: 2350 points, Accountant
Toby: 1731 points, Painter
Quatore: 1630 points, Cleaner
Ona: 1615 points, Repairman
Fabian: 981 points, Chef
Fiona: 844 points, Gardener
Otto: 586 points, Party Fixer
Sissela: 506 points, Angler

Common account: §1805

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