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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Gloomville Diaries - introducing Willow Field hood

My new legacy Gloomville Diaries will start tomorrow, October 1st 2014. To avoid one super long post, today I'll post one article on each of the 3 hoods of Gloomville; Upperton, Willow Field and Muggerdale.

In Gloomville there are several distinct hoods, and my legacy family will be located at Willow Field. That's where the old farm used to be, and still is. While Upperton hood is home to the top notch families, and Muggerdale hood belongs to the lower working class, Willow Field is where you find households of the average status and charm.

Willow Field:
Status: Average (3-4 of 6). Lots: 5 residential, 0 community.

This was the first area where the forest was cut down, opening up for agricultural activity. There were a handful farms in the start, but when Willow Farm grew bigger, the others were reduced to ordinary houses with a small garden in the backyard. The main produce since long was cabbages and carrots.

This is the old Willow Farm, no longer commercially run, but still a good property to own. In the past this farm grew all the land of Willow Field, and the farmer also owned Muggerdale (a nearby hood), where farm workers could rent a small hut and even grow a little land for their own consume.
Recently Agaton Oaksdale (left) bought this house. He did leave his ex-girlfriend Sonia Toadhill back in Bridgeport, and because he is distantly related to the late Willow Farm owners, Willow Field was a natural choice. Sonia followed shortly and moved in with Agaton, temporarily, and one day even Agaton's younger brother Mark (with glasses) joined them - temporarily.

Agaton Oaksdale
Promising Swimmer aiming for the top, but because Gloomville offers no swimming pool, Agaton will choose between taking up painting, or actually try to run the old farm, until he can afford to build his private pool. He is often at the gym, or seen jogging. 
Traits: Bodybuilder - Ambitious, Active, Art lover 
Occupation: Undecided

Sonia Toadhill
She loves to read, and to explore new fields of knowledge. When moving to Gloomville, she quickly got familiar with all locations and their history. She loves reading novels set in a different time. She also likes painting, especially landscapes, and one day she might exhibit her work at the Ex-Po gallery.
Traits: Renaissance sim - Bookworm, Family-oriented, Hot-headed.
Occupation: Painter

Mark Oaksdale:
He just lost his job in the city, and followed his brother. At least that is what Mark told them - truth is that he works undercover in Gloomville. Some crime lead him here, but he can't really talk about it, not even to his brother Agaton. Mark loves working out, but he also enjoy reading and astronomy.
Traits: Bodybuilder - Good, Bookworm, Perfectionist.
Occupation: Secret agent

This lot used to be farmland under the old Willow Farm. Heirs of the late farmer sold out, and a house for the upcoming Sims by Numbers Show (started September 6th) will be built right here! 20 reports from the show will be posted on this blog, and there will be tidbits posted on the official TS4 forum.

Right after the Sims by Numbers Show the winner will get this house to found a legacy. The legacy will be named the Gloomville Diaries and will be told on this blog starting October 1st, with only tidbits posted on the official TS4 forum (Gloomville Diaries' thread).

Xx Xx

The Grossings are well acclaimed artists, Kevin playing his Viola and Camilla writing her popular novels. They both origin from Gloomville.

Niels Grossing:
Senior of the house i a widower, retired policeman since long. He is interested in a good story, drinks his coffee hot or cold, and spends hours every night watching TV.
Traits: Friend of the world - Active, Self-assured, Perfectionist.
Occupation: Retired policeman

Kevin Grossing:
Kevin grew up in this very house, being the only son of senior Niels Grossing. He learned playing the viola from his late mom, and occasionally he gives concerts both in Gloomville and even in SimCity. He dislikes being on tour, but enjoy very much meeting with other musicians.
Traits: Renaissance sim - Clumsy, Music lover, Family-oriented.
Occupation: Musician (viola)

Camilla (Irving) Grossing:
Acclaimed novelist with several bestsellers on the roll. Camilla prefer working at home, but every now and then she needs to do research around town or even in other towns nearby. She loves children, but mostly write for the grown up readers.
Traits: Sucessful lineage - Neat, Outgoing, Family-oriented.
Occupation: Writer>Author

Linda Grossing:
Teen daughter Linda loved music, but she loves the boys even more.
Traits: Serial romantic - Goofball, Music lover
Occupation: Student

Jamiels Grossing:
Son Jamiels is active, but also seems to mind his steps well.
Traits: Neat
Occupation: Student

Two friends from SimCity moved to Gloomville to check out what might be on offer. They share a small house that is just about large enough to give some good parties.

Zilla Brox:
Zilla refers to herself as a relaxed partygirl. Fact is she is lazy, and she knows how to mix a few drinks. That's all. Back in SimCity she enjoyed to be single, and she thought that one day she might get herself a job as a mixologist. Well, that day has arrived.
Traits: Master mixologist - Foodie, Lazy, Noncommittal.
Occupation: Culinary>Mixologist

Brenda Cammin:
Brenda is kinda flirty, but she often scares off the guys who find her too active and direct. She meets some guys through her number one interest, sports, and she is pretty good at certain sports diciplines too. Some sees her as a babe, others as the young woman who wants to decide everything. Basically she is just impatient and eager.
Traits: Hopeful romantic - Self-assured, Active, Outgoing.
Occupation: Undecided

The Hikes siblings, Adrian, Hector and Ella, are pretty new at Willow Field of Gloomville. They live together for the time being. It's cheaper that way, for as long as it lasts.

Adrian Hikes:
Adrian is quite the flirt, he loves dating at coffee shops downtown. He is normally a jolly fellow, especially on those days when his creative energies flow. It's not easy to handle his enthusiasm, though, actually it's hard to understand what idea he tries to explain. He likes new stuff, and he is a bit bored from living with his brother and sister. If they could only help cleaning this place!
Traits: Hopeful Romantic - Creative, Cheerful, Neat
Occupation: Undecided

Hector Hikes:
Hector is a little dangerous, not so much because of the knife in his pocket, but because it's hard to tell whether he is satisfied or crossed. When he expresses joy, there's always some intense glimpse in his eyes, making others nervous. What is Hector up to next - complementing you or stabbing you? Truth is that Hector is always on the look for wealth. He wouldn't steal if he already had what he wants, but wanting a massive, exclusive mansion and not even having a good job, don't quite match. Most business attempts brought miseries, and now he just got a new idea - there might be a new way to reach wealth!
Traits: Mansion Baron - Mean, Materialistic, Clumsy.
Occupation: Criminal>Boss

Ella Hikes:
Ella never was a warm and honest person, but she loves-loves-loves computers! It's no secret that she is a nerd, at least when she hides in her room for days and nobody really know for sure if she is alive. Okay, there are times when she hides because she feel depressed. Those days are good for computer journeys, she even does a lot of online dating. Hm, she actually has multiple dating accounts using different names and photos, all fake. Right now a nice Upperton guy has shown some interest...
Traits: Computer Whiz - Geek, Art lover, Gloomy.
Occupation: Tech Guru>eSport Gamer

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