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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Sims by Numbers - Report day 5 - Party

Another day, and it's time to make these reports shorter, otherwise I won't be able to keep up with daily reports, LOL. Tomorrow there will be no Sims by Numbers report, because the story about the Detesters (TS3) needs to move on with another update. But Saturday this show will be back on track again with daily reports for a period.

It's their 5th day, and today will get busy!

I notice Fabian in the kitchen this morning, he would normally use the counter next to the fridge, but (probably) because of the water on floor, he chooses to work on the island counter instead :)

After the nightclub outing last night, it seems that most of them is a lot more eager to dance in the Fun room! Maybe a sim with no dancing skill at all will rarely start dancing, but as they danced a bit at the nightclub, they gained a skill point and are more likely to start dancing? I don't know, if so dancing must be a hidden skill. Here are Ochana and Fabian dancing this morning, and Fiona is watching them.

9 AM Morning meeting
Today it's Sim in Spot day again, and there is a theme for the day; Socializing Day! In addition one more Chore is up for grab as there are only 2 contestants left without a chore, Otto and Sissela.

So, Quatore opens the meeting, from the green Super Sim chair that he occupies for the second day in a row - he had the greenest plumbob last night, so today he benefits from the Super Sim title.

Super Sim chooses one skill book, and first we check with him if he has any skill book related wishes. He wants to practise programming, so I guess that means a book about programming. So, today's book is "Programming Vol 1: Turn it off and on again". He has no other purchase wish, and their Accountant Ochana states that another §75 was spent from their common account.

Other than these benefits, Super Sim ranks first all day. But today there is also a new privilege added to this Super Sim list of benefits: Super Sim is allowed to go outside to dig up one item! Wow, how exciting is that?

Ochana asks if Quatore just made up that last benefit.

- No, no, it's written on today's note for the Manager!

So guess Quatore will be out digging during the Chores and Skills session that is coming up right after this meeting.

Now for today's new Chore! Everyone is focused, only Otto and Sissela can choose it, because all the others already chose some Chore. Sissela ranks last, but she would be last anyway because she is the current Loser.

The new Chore up for grab is Party Fixer! The house needs a Party Fixer to host a party every 3rd night here at the house! Party Fixer will tend the bar, and should learn to mix drinks. Party Fixer will invite guests and also entertain the party unless someone else grabs that opportunity. For each Party a surprise facility will be temporarily placed in the main hall, and if nobody else starts to entertain, it will be Party Fixer's duty at 9 PM. This chore is paid a total of §250.

Now, who's interested, Otto or Sissela?

Otto thinks this sounds interesting. Being a snobby noncommittal romantic, he could easily enjoy the chore of a Party Mixer. Can there be any better way to bring in local single girls? Otto accepts this chore and earns himself 250 points.

- See y'all at the party tonight! First drink on the house!

Ochana protests loudly to that last offer.

Today is also Sim in Spot day, and today it's all about socializing. Ona and Fabian had this challenge in the past and therefore they can not accept it again.

Today's Sim in Spot mission is to bring minimum 6 neighbours to our party at 6 PM! You will visit one house and bring one or two sims on to the next neighbour, and there you will pick up one or two more sims, before visiting the third house where you can pick up the rest, unlimited. If you succeed bringing 6 guests to the party, you will be allowed to dig up one item anywhere in the hood. If you fail, you will pay 200 points to the common account!

Now, who will accept today's sim in Spot mission?

Quatore is a family man, not really a party person. Although it would be nice visiting 3 of the neighbours, he passes on this challenge.

Toby is having a hangover from last night. Besides, he is hoping for violin entertainment tonight, and wants to stay recharged for such an opportunity.

Ochana is romantic and thinks it would be fun to choose some of the guests for the party. And she actually wondered who lives here in Willow Field of Gloomville. Ochana accepts today's Sim in Spot challenge!

Schedule for today is:
10 AM  Chores & Skills
1 PM  Lunch served by Fabian
6 PM  Party starts, Party Fixer invites all his relations in addition to those guests Sim in Spot will bring.
9 PM Entertainment in main hall
11 PM Moods & Scores

The meeting ends, and Quatore rushes out to dig up something!

He finds a treasure map worth §80, but he decides to keep it for later, maybe it will bring him a much greater treasure?

10 AM  Sim in Spot - visiting neighbours
So, Ochana heads out to explore their local hood, Willow Field. There are 4 more households, Oaksdale family residing the old Willow Farm, the Grossing family, the Brox/Kammin, and finally the Hikes siblings.

Ochana is supposed to pick up 6 persons, and max 2 from each of the first two houses, so she needs some luck to find enough household members at home.

She starts with the Oaksdal household. They reside the Willow Farm, which has a long tradition although most of their land was sold out by the late owner. Two brothers, Agaton and Mark Oakdale live there now, together with a woman Sonia Toadshill (Agaton's ex-girlfriend). Ochana met neither of them in the past.

She enters the big brick building. Back when Willow Farm was founded, Gloomville sold timber, so all houses built in those days were built of stone. Upstairs Ochana finds Agaton Oaksdale surfing on a bed. She invites him to join the party, and it looks like he finds the invitation a bit scary, but still he comes with her. None of the others are at home, so it seems Ochana is already behind with just 1 of 6.

They both visits the Brox/Kammin house. It's a small red house, not very old.

Luckily both Zilla Brox and Brenda Kammin are at home, and they love to party, and definitely accepting Ochana's invitation.

Now, Ochana can choose either the Grossing house, or the Hikes. She has heard there are 3 generations living in the Grossing house, and calculates there is a bigger chance finding 3 more party guests. It was only at the first 2 houses she was limited to 2 sims per house, now she need 3!

Ochana is lucky! It turns out that all of the 5 household members are at home, and she promptly invites Camilla & Kevin Grossing, along with senior Niels Grossing. Their two kids will stay home alone tonight.

By now Ochana is exhausted, but manges to return with the 6 guests to the Sims by Numbers house. Mission completed, and she can now dig the ground for her reward!

She finds some fossil and Ochana earns herself 50 points. The item is placed on the pink table near the house entrance. There is one pink table for the girls and a blue for the boys. This split is just for fun and once the item points are added, it doesn't really affect the score where the item is put. All items displayed there are common property.

6 PM - House Party
Guests arrived, and the party can start! The bar is in the library, so this is where the party opens.

The 8 contestants have changed into their party outfits. Note that all their outfits are set by their number, back in CAS Demo. If this was done after the game realease, most options would be different because of richer content. Sissela looks quite stylich though, with matching glasses, even!

But while Otto still has not made a single drink, the others leave the library one by one!

Otto serves the bar for a couple hours already, but it doesn't work like expected. None of them come up to him to get a drink, and he is not playing with glasses and bottles either! I then figure that even if he gets the option to "tend bar", he needs a Mixology point in order to actually do something! Argh! So, he made himself one drink, got his first Mixology point, and now when he tends the bar, he finally function as a real bar tender - wish I knew that from the start of the party:)

But at this time all the guests have left the library...

9 PM  - Entertainment
Wow, Otto, tonight's surprise entertainment item seems to be the grand piano! Can you play this?

No, of course Otto can't. He tries, but it's quite awful, and nobody comes to listen. Now, what are they all up to? No drinks, no entertainment?

The answer is found in the fun-room!

Most of them are busy dancing to that jukebox! Or just watching the others dancing, while talking.

Sissela, what are you thinking about?

- I'm thinking that I'm having the lowest score, and if this contest was closed tonight, I would hit rock bottom of that list!

- And what will you do about that?

- Dance?

Otto is taking revenge in the library. He finally serves one drink for Fiona!

Also Camilla Grossing is seated in the bar, eating some hot dog. Fabian just served a delicious chocolate cake in the kitchen, and their neighbour prefers a hot dog?

11 PM Moods and Scores
There is only one green plumbob tonight, and that belongs to Toby! So, Toby is the new Super Sim, and will get 200 points from the new Loser.

- Wow, you did it again!

- Yupp. And I see that some of us will sit in this chair more often than others. Will there be any cool Super Sim benefits for tomorrow?

- Not telling!

- Thought so...

There is no red plumbob, but 3 have the orange: Fiona, Sissela and Fabian. From these the weakest plumbob belongs to Sissela. Poor girl, you are the Loser - for one more day! Sissela will hand over 200 points to Super Sim Toby - unless she fulfills the midnight challenge within 60 minutes!

Sissela's number is 6, and this is day 5, so she will try challenge number 6+5=11. There are only 9 alternatives, so then it will be challenge number 11-9=2.
2. Harvest and plant a wild Snapdragon!

Sissela rushes outside, crosses the street and runs over to a spot near the Hikes' garden. She saw some Snapdragons there few days ago, and luckily nobod has harvested them already - they are still there!

But, there is no chance for Sissela to get back home in time to play a seed within 60 minutes. She is simply too tired, and she walks very slowly when this tired.

So, Loser Sissela hands over 200 points to Super Sim Toby!

Summing it up - day 5
Sim in Spot: Ochana, visiting neighbours
New chore, Party Mixer: Otto
Super Sim: Quatore
Loser: Sissela

No major changes, but Ona and Otto seem to build a relation. This is interesting because they are not roommates.

Toby: 12 total (Painting 3, Violin 2, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Mischief 1, Cooking 1, Fitness 1, Gardening 1)
Ochana: 11 total (Charisma 3, Comedy 2, Logic 1, Video gaming 1, Gardening 1, Cooking 1, Mischief 1, Fitness 1)
Fabian: 11 total (Gardening 3, Cooking 3, Video gaming 2,  Mischief 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1)
Otto: 10 total (Video gaming 2, Charisma 2, Mischief 1, Cooking 1, Comedy 1, Piano 1, Mixology 1, Fitness 1)
Ona: 9 total (Fitness 2, Handiness 1, Comedy 1, Logic 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1, Gardening 1, Charisma 1)
Fiona: 9 total (Gardening 2, Mischief 1, Logic 1, Cooking 1, Video gaming 1, Comedy 1, Charisma 1, Fitness 1)
Quatore: 8 total (Video gaming 3, Cooking 2, Logic 1, Fishing 1, Comedy 1)
Sissela: 8 total (Video gaming 2, Logic 1, Handiness 1, Comedy 1, Mischief 1, Fishing 1, Cooking 1)

Standing score and chores:
Quatore: 2105 points, Manager
Toby: 2085 points, Painter
Ochana: 1900 points, Accountant
Ona: 1830 points, Repairman
Fiona: 1389 points, Gardener
Fabian: 1273 points, Chef
Otto: 900 points, Party Mixer
Sissela: 648 points

Common account: §776

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