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Sunday, 12 October 2014

Gloomville Diaries - Gen 1 - Ch 10: Revisiting Upperton Fair

Edith and Miranda grew up, and Ochana were already pondering about who would become the main heir to the secret Mission.

It was still a bit early to say that either Edith or Miranda would fit the bill the better, or if a next child would be an even better option. So the next days would definitely be exciting to Ochana.

Ochana were still trying to exercise daily and to eat more healthy food. so Chad was a little surprised to find cake remainders in the fridge, why did Ochana bake (and eat) those cakes if trying to loose weight?

- Yummy, I want chocolate cake for breakfast every day! Edith stated.
- Me too! said Miranda.

But Chad knew this would need to stop. - I'll ask mom to bake us something else for tomorrow...

Ochana often slept when Chad and the girls went to work and school. They still had only one tiny bathroom, so it was better if she used it before going to bed, and then waited until the others were off.

Today she got a pleasant visit from the newly wed Sonia (Toadshill) Oaksdale, from next door Willow Farm. Ochana knew that Sonia was interested in local history, and had looked forward to meet her!

- But I'm new in Gloomville, too! Sonia said. - I did look around a little though, I think visiting historical locations is way more interesting than to read up on the history, but I like to do both.
- Well, I'd love to learn more about Gloomville's past, Ochana said and smiled. Finally she felt she was doing some progress concerning the secret Mission.

Ochana was only a little annoyed that Sonia T. Oaksdale did not grab some freshly baked cakes.
- What historical locations are there, she asked as she munched some more cake.
- Oh, not that many. The old market called Muggerdale Fair is interesting, so is the Gloom Garden. And the Crumpletons' residence, of course. Did you know they accept visitors for historical visits on request?

Yes, Ochana visited the Crumpleton family with the Sims by Numbers Show. Back then she had no idea about the secret Mission though, and to be honest she had not been very interested in the Crumpleton family's story.

Edith and Miranda returned from school, and Sonia greeted them. - Hello girls! I'm the woman living next door, at Willow Farm!

She giggled, and turned to Ochana. - Ha ha, I almost said that I'm the farm woman, but you know, I will never do any farm related work there. I'm a Painter by profession, and except watering and eating some herbs, I'll leave the hard work to my husband Agaton.

 Ochana somehow liked Sonia, and made sure to exchange phone numbers.
- We are going to Upperton hood today, as soon as Chad returns from work, she said. - I visited Upperton Fair earlier, and we think Edith and Miranda will like it there.
- Oh, Upperton Fair, it's interesting that Gloomville obviously had two fairs. It's still a small place you know. Somehow I don't think that Upperton Fair was ever an actual market place. Farmers didn't live up there, I don't think they even were welcome to sell their produce up there.

Ochana had a surprise for Edith and Miranda. When sonia Toadshill had left, and Ochana had exercised for a few minutes, she called the girls to their room.
- There's a surprise for each of you in there, she said. The girls eagerly ran into the old library.

Miranda ran straight to a huge toy pet and named it Drago.

And Edith brought her bowl of chips and sat down at the new drawing table.

- Can I draw anything, mom?
- Sure! And then we can decorate the walls with your drawings, Ochana answered.

The gifts were meant to trigger some of the girls' talents, and both could of course use whatever they liked.

Then they had a little food while waiting for dad Chad.

- Hello, I'm back! Any girls here that are ready for a walk to Upperton Fair?

Edith and Miranda thought it was exciting to walk this far, they probably expected to see strange stuff along the road. Only Ochana was less enthusiastic, but she kept quiet. Soon they reached Upperton hood, and there was the fair!

The girls entered the playground boat immediately, and Chad could not help it but wanted to be part of the game.

- Captain Edith, they report a rough sea today! he warned them.
- Dad... we're not on a sea. At the moment we are sailing on a river...
- Ai ai, Captain Edith, they report the storm will struck shortly... Chad went on.
- Dad, please! Edith was a little annoyed already. . We already anchored in a bay because we are going hunting...

Chad hardly paid attention to what Captain Edith had to say.
- Wooooooo.... he mumbled as hi hid in front of the boat.
- What are you doing? Ochana asked as she retirned from the fair toilets.
- Wooooooo! Wooooo!
Chad jumped up and waved his arms. - Do not hunt the sea monster! Because then I will smash your boat!

- Dad! Please stop it. There are no sea monsters in this river bay, and we are hunting pink flying dragons, not monsters!

Ochana walked outside the Upperton Fair while giggling. She wanted to have a look at Upperton hood.

According to the Rules & Directions, she was supposed to learn about Upperton hood, too. And she knew this hood was the first to house families, so maybe this would be a good place to start? She recognized the Crumpleton residence over there on the right. Should she pay them a visit again? This time asking the right questions?

What about the other houses up here? She could visit more families when she learned the history of this hood. First she had to find out what families actually lived here in the past.

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