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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Gloomville Diaries - Gen 1 - Ch 9: Birthday and a secret office

Twins were born to Ochana and Chad, and Ochana spent most of the days watching the two bundles of joy. Their birthday was coming up tonight!

It had been tougher to care for two babies than just one, but at the same time Ochana was glad she already gave birth to two. According to the Rules & Directions she must have minimum 3 kids. She would need to pick one main heir and one secondary heir, but there was no rules regarding age or gender, so it might just as well be the third baby that would become main heir.

Anyway - pregnancy was tough too, and it was definitely a good thing that she had just one more to go!

The girls were named Edith and Miranda. Ochana and Chad were still not married, but because Ochana had the house and Chad brought only about §20.000 - and Chad was not of higher social status (ref my own DNA system), their family name would be Mox, from Ochana.

It was strange spending the days in the old library, that were serving as a nursery at the time, not knowing if these two would be involved with the mission or not. Ochana would not have to pick her heirs until the oldest reached Young Adult age. So there were more than enough time to consider it all.

The kitchen was finally upgraded with more counters and wall cabinets. They also got a new stove, and although Ochana was afraid to die in a kitchen fire - completely breaking the mission, at least Edith and Miranda would be around. Maybe she would need to involve at least one of them as soon as they could read?

Ochana found it tough being huge during the pregnancy. She had put on weight during the Sims by Numbers Show, and carrying twins probably made her extra big. But she never was a slim and fit person, and she knew that it would take some efforts to get back a normal body after giving birth.

So, she had a glass of orange juice for lunch, and decided to have a look in the old books that Aileen Gleeson gave her. The books mainly contain the directions. Alieen Gleeson recently died, and Ochana had nowhere else to turn but these books.

Then Ochana found a detail that she had not noticed earlier. It was written in the very first quote:
" - Legacy Holder (LH) must explore the rare history of Gloomville, by talking to locals and visiting historical as well as uncommon locations. The knowledge shall be written down, and the book about LH's findings shall be locked away in the secret office."

- The secret office? Ochana said to herself. - Where is that supposed to be?

She could think of one special room in this house, the tiny Super Sim room that could be accessed from the library. But she had of course checked it already and it was empty. Upstairs all rooms were empty too. She had noticed that the 4 bathrooms up there had been reduced to just 2 rooms, and the bedroom that Fabian Rumple and Otto Adrian had shared, was no longer accessed from the hall but from Quatire Virton and Toby Twoller's room. But there was no new office up there! Had she forgotten something?

Or maybe the Secret office was not in this house, but elsewhere? Could it be located at Flock Hideaway?

Ochana spent a few minutes on Chad's treadmill. She hated such machines, but she decided to work out a little every day, and if it gave results she could choose to spend more time on the mill. If no results, she would just skip it.

She found that the treadmill was a perfect place to think! At least the few minutes before she got exhausted.

The secret office kept bugging her. She should have asked Aileen Gleeson before she died! Why didn't she read the directions more closely right away?

She texted Ona Rosewood, to ask if she recalled any room of the house being referred to as a Secret Office. Ona had done very well on the Sims by Numbers Show, and she had been a Super Sim a couple days, too. She might have picked up something that the others had not been told.

But, no. Ona had no idea. She though the library would be it. That's were the desk and computer was, and all their books, too.

Chad returned from work, and while he took care of Edith and Miranda, Ochana nervously used their new stove for the first time. A cake was needed to celebrate the twins' birthday!

And she managed to bake it without putting the house on fire.

Then she joined the others in the library, and while the girls left their cribs, Ochana was secretly searching the walls for hidden doors. Was she obsessed?

Both Edith and Miranda got Ochana's blond hair and green eyes. Edith got an Artistic prodigy aspiration, and the trait Music lover from her dad. Miranda got a Social butterfly aspiration and the Perfectionist trait (non of Ochana's traits could be passed on - see bottom line for details on how I decide traits).

The cake looked amazing, and the girls were ecstatic.
- Look at those lovely lights, Edith sighed.
- I want to taste my birthday cake! Miranda claimed.

And soon all four were munching chocolate cake for dinner. Not exactly a good combination with Ochana's new exercising plan, but well, how often do you celebrate the birthday of your very first twins, anyway?

- You girls will start school tomorrow. And after school we should have a nice walk up to a fun fair at Upperton! Chad loved walking and exercising, and obviously expected his family to share the interest.
- What is a fair, Edith asked.
- Will we get to eat cake there, dad? Miranda asked.

Ochana wasn't very excited about the walk. Upperton hood was pretty far off, especially for uhm, the youngest. But they could always take the tram back home to shorten the walk.
- Or we could learn to read, she suggested. - We can buy some fun books and you can learn reading, that would be fun!

Of course she wanted them both to read, and she even thought that one of them will be chosen to write a book. According to the mission each generation must write a book about the findings.

- We can do both, just not in the same day, Chad added. - There will be more days for sure!

So they enjoyed their little party, in their nice little kitchen. Both Chad and the girls thought the pink counters were nice, but Ochana was not quite satisfied.
- The floor! We'll need to upgrade the floor! she said.

- Mom, will I get my own bed? Miranda asked.
- Sure Miranda. You and Edith will sleep in the library, we'll buy you some nice beds.
- Will we get some toys, too?
- Not tonight, dear, Ochana replied. - But as soon as you write a list of what you want, we will pick something from that list. Books might be fun, you know!

So, for now the twins will use the library, and how things should be arranged when the third baby arrives will be dealt with in the future. Ochana hoped they could all stay on the same floor at least until the girls became teenagers. Time will tell...


In all my games I want childrens' traits to reflect their parents. Normally I will make sure the child gets at least one trait from each parent, but sometimes a parent will have "adult" traits that can not be added to children. If so, a trait from that parent must be added later.

On TS4 I follow these rules when possible:
First daughter's 1st trait = dad's 1st trait and 2nd trait = mom's 1st trait.
First son's 1st trait = mom's 1st trait and 2nd trait = dad's 1st trait.
Second daughter's 1st trait = dad's 2nd trait and 2nd trait = mom's 2nd trait.
Second son's 1st trait = mom's 2nd trait and 2nd trait = dad's 2nd trait.
Third daughter's 1st trait = dad's 3rd trait and 2nd trait = mom's 3rd trait.
Third son's 1st trait = mom's 3rd trait and 2nd trait = dad's 3rd trait.

Child's 3rd trait will be based on skills or personaity, or random.

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