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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Gloomville Diaries - Gen 1 - Ch 14: Meeting Niels Grossing

Ochana and Chad got married, and they already tried for a third child. Is it time for Ochana to move on to the third bottle of poison?

The secret mission (Legacy) includes a series of 6 poisons. Ochana already drank the green one to Happiness when becoming Legacy Holder, then she emptied the pink one to Flirty, when trying for the first child. There were 4 more poisons to go. According to Rules & Directions she must have minimum 3 children.

This morning Miranda was up early, telling her friend Drago that today she and her twin sister Edith would go fishing with dad. Drago could come too, if he wanted, but Drago didn't answer, and Miranda took that as a "no thanks, I'll rather stay home, but have fun, my friend!".

Chad was up a bit early, too, and he had checked the mailbox. There was some package from the Geo Council, returning some finding that Ochana had sent them few days earlier.
- It's not very decorative, but it might have some value? he asked when Ochana finally appeared from the bedroom door.
- Oh, I thought it would be returned as a cut diamond, she said. - Let's just store it on some shelf for now.

Ochana didn't feel to fresh this morning.
- Chad, I think we might be on again... I'll stay home while you take the girls fishing.

It was already her plan to stay home alone, she had certain things to do that she preferred doing alone. Such as inspecting the books in the attic some more. And she planned to pay a visit to elderly Niels Grossing, finally!

But first some breakfast!

- Holy Similius! What's up with these toasts!

Food was luckily edible, and soon they were all gathered in the kitchen.

Ochana noticed that the documents that Aileen Gleeson gave her long ago, was no longer in the kitchen. She was pretty sure she left them on the counter, and if anyone removed them, where were they now?
- They were just some... silly documents, but if any of you moved them or maybe even trashed them, I would like to know.
The girls had not touched them, at least that's what they said.
- Not me, said Edith. - Can't even remember what documents you're talking about.
- Not me, mom, Miranda said. - But I can ask Drago, maybe he ate them?

Those documents were essential to Ochana, because they included all directions and more. When the mission shall be passed on to a main heir, she would need to hand over those documents as well. It wasn't possible for her to memorize all the contents in order to write it up.

Right after breakfast, Chad took the girls to the huge park area between town and the sea. They were all going to fish, and Chad had not admitted that he actually never tried fishing before. Edith and Miranda both thought he was an expert as they set off to catch the most horrible fish monster in the sea.

Chad was the most eager of the three, though. He thought that bringing home some fish, could add to their dinner routines, and maybe Ochana would get a new favourite dish, making her prefer fish over cakes.

- Hurry up girls, Chad shouted. - Or the monster fish will escape!

They all lined up and started to hunt for the monster fish. Edith and Miranda must have been a little nervous, because none of them said a word.

Then Chad had something going on...

- Oups, it's something big, girls! Not sure if it's the monster fish itself though, or just one of it's monster babies, perhaps!

But as Chad pulled in the line, whatever had been caught was gone.
- Oh, dad! Maybe it was the monster fish after all! Edith whispered.

They kept fishing for hours.

Ochana loved that Chad showed so much interest in raising the girls. While they were gone, she looked for the documents again, even in the girls' room, but they were nowhere to be found. So instead she decided to pay neighbour Niels Grossing a visit.

The Grossing house was just across the street, it was one of the oldest houses here at Willow Field.

Ochana knew that elderly Niels Grossing was a retired Policeman, and because he had lived at Willow Field for a long time, maybe he could tell her something about the local history? And when it came to the injustice that Aileen Gleeson had been quite focused on, maybe including someone named Flock, a Policeman should be a good place to start.

The Grossing household consists of 5 persons, Niels Grossing himself, his son Kevin and wife, and their 2 teen children. Ochana had visited this house once during the Sims by Numbers Show.

She was lucky to be greeted by the old man himself. She introduced herself as the neighbour.
- And now I would like to learn about Gloomville's history, she added.
- Ah, you moved into Glee Abode! the old man exclaimed. - I only saw your husband leaving for work.
- Yes, I was on the show some years ago, and have been living there ever since.
- The house was empty for a few years before the show. We do appreciate that someone resides Glee Abode again.

Ochana thought it was a good idea asking him what families had traditional ties to Willow Field.
- Oh, Niels Grossing said. - Oaksdale, of course, when my sister married their son I think their family had already been farming for a generation. Then us, the Grossing family. We came to Gloomville about 30 years after it was founded by the Crumpletons.
- So the Oaksdales settled sometime during those 30 early years. But how about the others? Ochana asked.
- The Hike siblings and the two young women Brox and Kammin moved in just before your show started.

Niels Grossing kept eating his delicious burger. - I heard that Sonia Oaksdale read local history, you should talk to her about the exact years, especially concerning the Oaksdales.

- You worked as a Policeman for many years, I heard!
- Sure did! the man said proudly.
- If I tell you that someone... uhm, around here, suffered injustice, what could you tell me?

Niels Grossing got all quiet for a few seconds. Ochana noticed that he didn't even eat his delicious burger.

- Nothing particular comes to mind, he finally said. - Injustice? That could be so many things, you know!
- Did you ever know someone named Flock?
- Sure, there was some old woman named Mysa Flock, but I think she left with her child while I was quite young. That was before I started my career. I wasn't paying much attention to neighbours unless they had a daughter my age, you know. Mysa Flock's child might have been close to my age, but she had a son.

Niels Grossing stopped talking, and took a good bite of his burger.

Then the old man looked up. - Who told you about Mysa Flock?
- Well, you just did, Ochana replied. - Other than that, someone named Aileen Gleeson mentioned her.
- Ah, you talked to Aileen? She had a tough time after selling Glee Abode...

- Aileen resided your house for at least 30 years! he continued.
- Really?
Ochana didn't know that Eileen Gleeson was the former owner of her house. But of course, there ought to be a link between Ailieen's family name and Glee Abode. Why didn't she think of that before? Both sounded joyful, except Aileen was anything but that.

Ochana could no longer help herself, seeing how Niels Grossing's delicious burger was about to get cold!
- May I have some of that burger, please? she asked.
- No way! This food is mine, I'm waiting for it to get cold!

Back home, Ochana watched some romantic comedy on TV. But she couldn't stop thinking that Aileen Gleeson actually had lived in this house! Why didn't she ever say so? She obviously moved to Oasis Springs at some point, maybe just before leaving this house for the show.

Ochana was a little confused. While sitting there, she heard the sounds upstairs again! A dump sound like if something was dragged across the floor. It was definitely not a Nothing Bird!

She stood up, straightened her clothes and felt her heart hammering stronger. She had to walk up there to check, and this time she would be alone, not talking to anyone, not making a sound, but sneak up to the attic as quietly as possible.

Was anyone up there?

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