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Sunday, 26 October 2014

Seagull Cottage - Ch 14: Ghost hunters

[Year count 200]  At this time Cathrina and Alexander Wooblershield have 2 lodgers, Hank Hoonk and Burgina Kess. This sunny morning Cathrina decided to serve the breakfast out in the garden. She did study some more recipes, and finally she succeeded!

Hank Hoonk: Miss Cathy, these waffles are perfect! Pure and magical, did you use eggs from the seagulls? We certainly need to get rid of a few of them!

Burgina Kess: Stop it, Mr Hoonk, you don't even deserve to eat those eggs.

Hank Hoonk: Ha, a stud like me not worthy of wild life food? Come on!

Cathrina: Mr. Hoonk, when will there be another full moon night? We have decided to join you.

Hank Hoonk: Ah, visiting the Lady Ghost? Great! Tonight, it'll be tonight, because I'm leaving town tomorrow!

A little later Cathrina walked down to the Church of Similius. She wanted to see the priest to find out more about Gloria's grave. Maybe the priest would hold information on her hubby and son, too.

Cathrina: Hello?

Priest Arthus Lavendula: Yes?

Cathrina: I'm searching information on my great aunt Gloria Moonster. She died recently, but I couldn't find her grave at the cemetery.

Priest Arthus Lavendula: Really? And may I ask who you are?

Cathrina: Oh, sorry. My name is Cathrina Wooblershield, born Horgan. My mom was born Moonster, and her mom again grew up in Galucca. I just inherited Gloria Moonster's cottage at the Moon District.

Priest Arthus Lavendula: Very well... Hmmm... I am sorry to inform you that... I don't recall having a funeral ceremony for Gloria Moonster...

Cathrina: Of course not, she... ah... sorry, nothing... I heard about the underground storage, would it be possible to know if her urn is stored there?

Priest Arthus Lavendula: That would be possible, yes. I am busy right now, but if you stop by at my office tomorrow at 10 AM, I'll be ready to help you.

Cathrina: And... would you also find information on her son and her husband, if she was married?

Priest Arthus Lavendula: Of course.

Cathrina: And I realized that Gloria probably never set foot in that church, so would she want to get buried there? No! I will go back tomorrow, then I'll go to the library again, too.

Alexander: So, you will be rather busy then... I'm eager to read another diary page...

"Ludwig turned elderly, too, but he didn't want a celebration. One of the lodgers, old Miss Lisa Hedgeboom in the blue room, sang a horrible song to him at breakfast. I could tell he was very annoyed, but well..."

Cathrina: No date, but they are both elderly, might be about 40 years ago then...

Alexander: Nothing about the boy? Gabriel's... disease?

"Ludwig is getting good at his painting! Today he made a lovely motive from the garden, and I'm glad I stopped him from bringing that one to the Artist Market. Lodger Cassandra Pleasant has ordered a portrait!"

Alexander: This is not the kind of info I was hoping for...

"I visited Old Town today, and I talked to an old sailor at the Boat Terminal. He had a lovely white cockatoo sitting on his shoulder. When I got back home, I discovered a few feathers from the bird had found its way into my purse! I know they were meant for Gabriel!"

Cathrina: Oh, all these feathers? I understand they are some ingredient and that she put them in the beds for some superstitious reason, but she seems totally obsessed with them! Did you read about the golden box, and full moon? I wonder if it's all a recipe from the Black Magica book?

Alexander: Did you find her magic book?

Cathrina: No, and there's really not that many places to look. I checked the study of course. I saw no other books in this house...

Alexander: And we cleaned all drawers and cupboards, too...

Cathrina: I think we should consider reopening the common room to the locals. It would do good for our business. What do you think?

Alexander: You mean without shining this place up?

Cathrina: Well, the locals are used to these walls, might be harder to get them back as paying guests if we change what they are used to overnight. We'll save up some money, and upgrade the room later, or little by little.

Alexander: Wouldn't we need some more info on how it was ran in the past?

Cathrina: I could call Emma Hydront, or even better, invite both Emma and Brad for dinner some day.

Hank Hoonk: So, Miss Cathy, will we be ready for tonight's adventure at 11 PM? Rrrrr...

Cathrina: Sure! We'll meet outside!

So, the night was starry and the full moon was glowing. They noticed Burgina Kess was flirting with Brad Kragger outside, Cathrina was a bit surprised but admitted it was none of her business.

Hank Hoonk: We're walking the track up the hill, I assume you already visited your neighbours up here. I know they are curious to know more about you two!

Alexander: They were not at home when we tried.

Cathrina: I got a kitten from some house up here...

Hank Hoonk: You might have observed my white boots. It's my theory that white boots will calm down the glowing Unicorn. And I see you chose white shoes, too, Miss Cathy, thanks for teaming up with me! Rrrrr...

Alexander: It's Mrs Wooblershield, mister...

Hank Hoonk: Here we are! It's a little dark for a guided tour, but this is the former secret location of MSW! I don't know much about their activities, just that they guarded some Unicorn relics. And, by chance I witnessed the Lady Ghost once! She scared my fellows, but not me of course. A woman never scared me, you know Miss... uhm...

Cathrina: So, what is that building?

Hank Hoonk: I think the MSW used to meet there, every full moon night. Nowadays this is just a garden. You can visit again during daylight, the outdoors is a jewel for garden hunters.

Alexander: Did you ever see the Unicorn here?

Hank Hoonk: Not really, but one time I could feel its energy. This is a well known energy field for Unicorns. Not saying the Unicorns themselves know about that fact yet, so in the meantime they can be found elsewhere. I'm heading to Al Simhara tomorrow.

Cathrina: Do you know the story of the Lady Ghost?

Hank Hoonk: Many years ago, when Galucca was still pretty young, the Lady was the first Unicorn relic guardian. She got enemies, and they threw her into that well over there, must have been, and she died. Now, let's sit down and wait. She might show herself to us. I think. If she still works, it's about 20 years since I saw her. I guess she was glad there was finally a real stud paying attention to her lifework! Lady, I'm back!

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