Hank Hoonk: That's all you'll get of me, ladies! Until next time!
Catherina: Fare well!
Burgina Kess: Bye Mr animal killer!
Hank Hoonk: Rrrrrrr!
Alexander: Ms Kess just left to town. Let's see what's on Gloria's mind today!
"I woke up in the middle of the night, the seagulls woke me and urged me to walk outside. I think I can still recognize the complaining Sonia Franken... she sounds awfully!"
Cathrina: Oh no... just like I thought...
Alexander: What?
"A horrible day! Our dear Gabriel was found dead in the garden! We thought he walked over to the Kraggers, but instead he had been playing in the garden. We are heart broken. He was transformed like the others, I never intended that! I wonder if I have misread the spell, I use feathers, they get their energy in the golden box under the full moon, they should only connect not transform, dammit! I have told our lodgers they can not expect any of our regular services for a day. Oh, dear Gabriel! I want to create a simple grave for you in the garden, the rock where you played next to the blue flowers. We are Pettontas after all."
Cathrina: Oh, he died? From what?
Alexander: Sniff, I was... hoping you would get to meet him, Cathy...
Cathrina: Next quote seems to be sometime later...
"Kitchen fire and clogged toilet in the red room! Ludwig had a busy day! I harvested the lettuces. Also potted the Petunia seedlings"
Alexander: I can't believe they lost him! And I still wonder if the MSW was involved.
Alexander: I'm not working today, I can help around more here at the cottage.
Cathrina: Great. I will need to visit the priest again, then the library.
Alexander: Look, there's the kockatoo again! Maybe I should buy a birds cage for it?
Cathrina: Sure. But first we'll go looking for seagull eggs.
Cathrina: Honestly, I had no idea we have this little dock!
Alexander: And a rowboat! I can go fishing, Tina Baby would love some fresh fish!
Cathrina: Look at them, Alex. There are so many of them... do you think what I thnk...
Alexander: What is that?
Cathrina: That those seagulls... used to be guests at Seagull Cottage! Before Gloria transformed them...
Alexander: You mean...?!
Cathrina: Could be... I wish there was someone we could ask. Do you think they hate us?
Alexander: Why? We never harmed them...and maybe they are just ordinary seagulls after all. I don't think birds can get that old anyway.
Cathrina: Okay, you are probably right. And I better be off visiting Priest Lavendula.
Priest Lavendula: Mrs Wooblershield, how are your energies today?
Cathrina: Uhm, fine, I guess...
Priest Lavendula: Green above red, but green cannot exist without red! Just remember that!
Cathrina: Uhm, okay? So, did you find anything?
Priest Lavendula: About Gloria Moonster? Well, she never was buried here, and there is no urn in our underground magazines.
Cathrina: Oh... how about Gabriel...? The boy, just about starting school?
Priest Lavendula: I did find the urn of Ludwig Hapster. He resided up at Seagull Cottage most of his life, and he died at Constant Hope Hospital. From old age.
Cathrina: How about Gabriel Hapster?
Priest Lavendula: I checked both Gabriel Hapster and Gabriel Moonster, but no.
Next Cathrina walked over to Elle's Library. It's a quick walk pass the old Brugster Tower, the Heisserclump Bakery on your right, Historical Museum and Townhall on your left, then the library. Head of the library, Rene Tackott, and his assistant, Anitra Seylouse, was expecting her.
Rene Tackott: I checked the archives, and I found something for you, Mrs Wooblershield.
Anitra Seylouse: While I, I was not even allowed to go inside that room, was I?
Rene Tackott: You know I'm the only one having access, Anitra.
Anitra Seylouse: And you know how much the Historical Society wants to have a look! After all we donated quite some time and funds for the historical tours project!
Rene Tackott: Hark. Yes, those historical tours are great, you really should join the next one, Mrs Wooblershield! Now, please follow me upstairs. Anitra, you can prepare my lunch, please!
Rene Tackott: Sorry about that, Anitra sometimes see her historical society's interests rather than our strict routines.
Cathrina: Uhm, okay. Ah, thank you, is all this stuff about Gloria Moonster?
Rene Tackott: Not really. You see, I gathered school lists from both our schools, but couldn't find the boy listed. You might like to double check. I did find some interesting notes from Galucca Post, our local newspaper... there seemed to be several... abductions at Moon District. Alien abductions, possibly. People disappeared for no good reason.
Cathrina: And what about the MSW?
Rene Tackott: Nothing about them! No!
Cathrina: Oh... well, thank you Mr Tackott, I'll have a look at this stuff.
Margreta Gripp: Cathrina, is that you? Hi!
Cathrina: Margretha, how cool!
Cathrina: So you still read up on the local history?
Margreta: Sure!
Cathrina: If I told you that... uhm, someone played on a rock, next to the blue flowers, we're Pettontas after all... would that mean anything to you?
Margreta: Ha, is this a riddle? As a matter of fact, that makes perfect sense to me! Blue flowers would match a Pettonta perfectly, because blue is their signature colour.
Cathrina: Oh?
Margreta: Now you got me curious, you'll need to tell me more!
Cathrina: Not now. Maybe you would like to stop by at Seagull Cottage some day!
Margreta: What? You reside at Seagull Cottage?! Really? Oh... nothing. Sure!
Cathrina: The flowers are lovely, Alex! Thank you!
Alexander: When Miss Kess leaves tomorrow, we will be all alone again. Doesn't that sound perfect?
Cathrina: Mmmmm.... Alex, if we ever have a son, do you think we could name him Gabriel?
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